IBB Space Reservation Requests
Conference Room Reservations
- Conference room descriptions and technology available in each room are listed on the instructions page linked below.
- Rooms will automatically be reserved (no additional approvals needed) if the space is available.
- IBB conference room reservation instructions and submission
Event Space Reservations
- Internal IBB events receive priority for these spaces. All other requests are reviewed based on availability and association with bioengineering and biosciences.
- Event space requests will show as "awaiting approval" on the event calendar until reviewed by IBB event staff. Event staff will review and respond to requests within two business days.
- IBB event space instructions and submission
Faculty HotSpot Office Reservations
- To request short-term office space in IBB room 3302, review the Faculty HotSpot Office Calendar for availability and submit a reservation request.
- Reservation requests will show as "awaiting approval" until reviewed by IBB staff. A minimum of two business days is required for space requests.
- Request Faculty HotSpot Office. Login with GT credentials at top right of calendar.
Facilities and Building Support
For Urgent Issues at IBB (Petit Biotech Building) at 315 Ferst Drive
- To report issues in IBB during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), email
- For after-hours emergency issues (i.e., water leaks, door not locking, etc.), immediately notify Georgia Tech Police Department at 404-894-2500.
IBB BuzzCard Door Access / Core Lab Access / Office Keys
Access may take up to one week to be granted after completing the below steps.
- BEFORE requesting BuzzCard access, these two trainings must be completed and the IBB recycling/compost locations must be reviewed.
- The forms to request IBB access are located in DocuSign. GTID login credentials are required to access the forms.
- The person requiring access must login with their GTID credentials and review the submission instructions and PI approval instruction documents.
Krone EBB (Engineered Biosystems Building) at 950 Atlantic Drive
- For facility issues in the Krone Engineered Biosystems Building (950 Atlantic Drive), email the EBB team.
- For after-hours emergency issues (i.e., water leaks, door not locking, etc.), immediately notify Georgia Tech Police Department at 404-894-2500.
IBB Posting Guidelines
Lab Coat Washer and Dryer
- The washer and dryer unit has been brought offline until further notice
IBB Liquid Nitrogen Access Guide
- Directions can be found here.
Petit Biotechnology Building Lab/Office Custodial Requests:
- Fill out this form for custodial requests:
Recycling and Composting Locations and Items Accepted
- Basement tunnel (next to the liquid nitrogen tanks)
- Glass (all colors accepted, must be washed)
- IBB Front Desk (1101)
- Batteries, pens, pencils, markers, highlighters, printer cartridges, metal scraps (ex. staples)
- 1st Floor Kitchen by Vending Machines
- Plastic bags (stretchy/crinkly), bubble wrap, air pouches, plastic mailers, packing peanuts, Saran Wrap (all food removed)
- ES&T Loading Dock
- Compostable items such as food scraps, pizza boxes, etc. using the CompostNow bins
- Outside all research wing doors facing the atrium
- Styrofoam (please remove packing tape and labels) and cardboard (please collapse the boxes)
- Common kitchen areas outside Wing D on each floor
- Cans (including steal food cans and metal lids from glass containers)
- Plastic bottles/containers (please no plastic bags/film (stretchy/crinkly) as those items should be placed in the “plastic film” bin in the 1st Floor Kitchen)
- Paper, sticky notes, paperbacks
Note – Electronics not purchased with state funds can be dropped off at the Kendeda Building loading dock.
Faculty, Trainee, Staff Resources
IBB Faculty Applications
- To apply to become an IBB Faculty member, submit an Application through InfoReady.
- Email inquiries to
Reimbursement Requests
- Ensure all Georgia Tech guidelines are met for expenses or travel.
- Complete the appropriate IBB form below, following the additional directions provided in the forms.
- IBB Reimbursement Form
- IBB Travel Reimbursement Form
Scientific Poster Printing Requests
- Scientific poster printing is available only to IBB community members.
- What are the ideal dimensions for posters to be printed?
- IBB's poster printer can print at a maximum width of 48 inches. Ideally posters should fit in 48” x 36” (4:3 ratio). If your poster does not fit that ratio, it will be scaled down and centered within that aspect ration which will include whitespace.
- A minimum of two business days is required for all poster printing requests.
- Ensure the poster has been proofread before submitting your printing request! Only ONE reprint of a poster will be permitted due to typos or other changes - no exceptions. SUBMIT Poster Print Request
USPS Mailing Form
- To mail letters through the US postal service, begin by completing and printing the Department Mailing Form.
- Attach the completed form to your sealed and addressed envelope.
- Place both together in the "OUTGOING" wire basket in the IBB admin front office.
- Mail is picked up each weekday morning. For additional information, visit the GT Postal Services website.
IT and Technical Resources
In-Petit Biotech Building IT Support
- Faculty and their labs located in the Petit Biotechnology Building are supported by their home school IT department. Staff housed in in the Petit Biotechnology Building working for another department are also supported by their home IT department.
- IBB IT can assist with activating network ports in offices or lab areas and with providing access to shared copier/printers on each floor. Permission from your manager is required, as your department will be billed for copies or printouts.
- If a network port needs to be activated in your area, send an email request to Contact your home school department to receive authorization to use their network and receive the “VLAN” ID number of your workstation prior to submitting your request.
Wi-Fi Issues
- If your lab or office experiences Wi-Fi connectivity issues, open a support ticket through Service Now and select Online Support.
AV Support
- IBB offers limited AV support for events and meetings hosted in our building. Your space reservation confirmation from our event staff will include instructions for contacting IT support to schedule an AV overview.
- If AV assistance is needed in IBB conference rooms, email a request to or call 404-385-5222.
- For AV support outside of the Petit Biotechnology Building including checking out microphones or help with the AV in classrooms, visit If it is an emergency click here or call 404-385-1111.
Telephone and Voicemail
- For assistance with desktop phones, voicemail (including new installation), repairs, office/desk location changes, visit Service Now to open a support ticket (GT login required).
List Serves/Mailing Lists
- Occupants of the Petit Biotechnology Building must be subscribed to various list serves to be notified of vital information in the building. If you are not receiving building notifications, email to request to be added.
- To receive IBB event announcements and/or e-newsletter, sign up below:
Café Information
- IBB opened Bob’s Café, operated by Gold & Bold,named in honor of our founder Bob Nerem. Stop by for a cup of coffee, a bite to eat, and a chat with your neighbors!
- Hours of operation will be between 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- Download the app "Mobile Order" to pre-order at