Aaron Young
Associate Professor, George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
Christopher Rozell
Professor; School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Simon Sponberg
Dunn Family Associate Professor; Physics & Biological Sciences
Craig Tovey
Professor; School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Shreyes Melkote
Morris M. Bryan, Jr. Professor, Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
Irfan Essa
Senior Associate Dean; College of Computing
Assistant Professor; School of Aerospace Engineering
Professor; School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Thomas Collins
Professor of the Practice; School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Samuel Coogan
Demetrius T. Paris Junior Professor; School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Karen M. Feigh
Professor & Associate Chair for Research; School of Aerospace Engineering
Principal Development Officer; VentureLab
Portrait of Ashok Goel
Professor; School of Interactive Computing
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor; School of Interactive Computing
Senior Research Scientist; School of Mechanical Engineering
Ai-Ping Hu
Principal Research Engineer; Georgia Tech Research Institute
Zsolt Kira
Assistant Professor; School of Interactive Computing
Assistant Professor; School of Mechanical Engineering
Anirban Mazumdar
Assistant Professor; School of Mechanical Engineering