The Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines at Georgia Tech supports and facilitates the operation of several core research facilities on campus allowing our faculty, students and collaborators to advance the boundaries of robotics research.
Human Augmentation Core
The Human Augmentation Core Facility is a ~ 3000 square foot space in the Callaway Building with two main human subject research bays: The Motek CAREN system bay and the Gait Lab bay. Additionally, a private patient changing room is equipped with a hi-lo plinth and sink for preparation of subjects prior to and following experiments.
The Robotarium project provides a remotely accessible swarm robotics research platform that is freely accessible to anyone. Robotics research requires significant investments in terms of manpower and resources to competitively participate. We believe that anyone with new, amazing ideas should be able to see their algorithms deployed on real robots, rather than purely simulated. In order to make this vision a reality, we have created a remote-access, robotics lab where anyone can upload and test their ideas on real robotic hardware.
Aware Home
The Aware Home Research Initiative (AHRI) at the Georgia Institute of Technology is an interdisciplinary research endeavor spearheaded by the Institute for People and Technology (IPaT) Living Labs aimed at addressing the fundamental technical, design, and social challenges for people in a home setting. The Aware Home is a 3-story, 5040 square foot facility designed to facilitate interdisciplinary research, while providing an authentic home environment.