Industry Partners Program
Our Industry Partners Program allows members to explore opportunities for research collaborations, testing services, consulting relationships, student hiring, and other valuable interactions.
IRIM’s industry partners are well positioned to take advantage of new technologies as they are developed, and the collaborative research environment provides companies with unprecedented access to some of the world’s best computer scientists and engineers. Through Georgia Tech’s redesigned research contracting, members enjoy industry-friendly intellectual property arrangements.
We invite you to join our Industrial Partners Program (IP2), a partnership that offers your company exclusive benefits tailored to meet your needs through three different membership tiers. Whether you join us as a strategic partner, an industry affiliate, or as a member of one of our customized industry consortia, your company will be invigorated and supported through our ongoing work as a consolidated group of robotics leaders.
Contact the IRIM Industry representative to begin an industry partnership tailored to meet your needs.
Georgia Tech/GTRI Division Chief, Intelligent Sustainable Technologies Division (ISTD)
Associate Director, Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines (IRIM)
640 Strong Street Atlanta, GA 30332-0823
(404) 407-8844 (Office)
(770) 355-3934 (Mobile)

Download the IRIM Overview Brochure
Learn More About the Partners Program
Benefits and Options
How to Become an Affiliate
Available Technologies in Robotics

Automation & Logistics
IRIM offers logistics and supply chain solutions via an interdisciplinary team of robotics and AI faculty working on research applicable to every stage of industry automation needs, from simulation to factory floor. Cutting-edge research facility access for biomechanical, swarm programming and AL/ML Data Research.

Manufacturing & Agricultural
Robotics has the potential to revolutionize manufacturing and agricultural inspection and harvesting tasks on factory floors and commodity farms. This is true from the standpoints of labor, economics, supply chain resilience, crop disease detection, and assessment. Specialty manufacturers and farms stand to benefit the most because their operations rely on large amounts of manual labor. By contrast, most aspects of commodity manufacturing and farming have already been automated.

Human Centered Robotics
GT/IRIM's experts in the concept of humanized intelligence are here to help you develop human-centered robotic solutions to human needs with techniques, such as soft computing methodologies, sensing, and learning, can be used to enhance the autonomous capabilities of intelligent systems, whether virtual or physical.

Medical & Assistive
GT/IRIM's biomechanical roboticists are working to design, develop, and evaluate medical robotics systems and smart assistive robotic platforms that enhance the physical capabilities of both patients and clinicians via advancements in mechanical design, modeling and control, sensors and instrumentation, computing, and image processing. Additionally, IRIM has faculty experts in assistive orthotics and prosthetic devices for medical and industrial safety use.
Robotics For Industry Program
Our Robotics for Industry Program allows members to explore opportunities for research collaborations, testing services, consulting relationships, student hiring, and other valuable interactions.
IRIM’s industry partners are well positioned to take advantage of new technologies as they are developed, and the collaborative research environment provides companies with unprecedented access to some of the world’s best computer scientists and engineers. Through Georgia Tech’s redesigned research contracting, members enjoy industry-friendly intellectual property arrangements.

For a downloadable PDF version of the IRIM Industry Partners Program membership structure and benefits, please click here
Available Technologies
Georgia Tech offers a portfolio of available technologies that can help solve industry R&D challenges. We help Georgia Tech innovations and discoveries benefit the general public by allowing industry to license and continue to develop and commercialize these cutting-edge innovations.