IRIM Seminar Series
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title |
January 8 KLAUS 1116 E&W | Anirudha Majumdar | Princeton University | Robots that know when they don’t know |
January 22 KLAUS 1116 E&W | Haewon Park | The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | Hardware Design and Control Algorithms for Agile and Versatile Legged Robots |
February 5 KLAUS 1116 E&W | Robert Gregg | U. Michigan Robotics | Enhancing Human Mobility with Agile Robotic Prostheses and Orthoses |
February 19 KLAUS 1116 E&W | Ufuk Topcu | University of Texas Austin | Autonomous Systems in the Intersection of Control, Learning, and Formal Methods |
March 5 KLAUS 1116 E&W | Maani Ghaffari | U. Michigan Robotics | Computational Symmetry and Learning for Robotics |
March 26 KLAUS 1116 E&W | Sebastian Scherer | The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon | Multi-Modal and Multi-Robot Coordination in Challenging Environments |
April 9 KLAUS 1116 E&W | Gaurav Sukhatme | University of Southern California | Learning Coordinated Performant Flight with 20 Neurons |
IRIM Seminar Series Archives
IRIM's seminar series is video recorded and housed in Georgia Tech Library's SMARTech repository.
Kelly Distinguished Lecture on Robots & Jobs
The Kelly Distinguished Lecture on Robots and Jobs features preeminent scholars in fields of significance to robotics. The visiting lecturers, in addition to presenting seminars on topics relevant to robots in the workplace, participate in informal discussions with Georgia Tech faculty and students.