IRIM Seminar Series
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title |
September 4 MARCUS NANO | Guanya Shi | The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University | Unifying Semantic and Physical Intelligence for Generalist Humanoid Robots |
September 18 KLAUS 1116 E&W | Sam Burden | University of Washington | On Human-Machine Interaction Games |
October 2 MARCUS NANO | Negar Mehr | UC Berkeley | TBA |
October 16 MARCUS NANO | Helen Huang | NC State University | TBA |
October 30 MARCUS NANO | Katia Sycara | The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University | TBA |
November 13 MARCUS NANO | Nima Fazeli | U. Michigan Robotics | TBA |
IRIM Seminar Series Archives
IRIM's seminar series is video recorded and housed in Georgia Tech Library's SMARTech repository.
Kelly Distinguished Lecture on Robots & Jobs
The Kelly Distinguished Lecture on Robots and Jobs features preeminent scholars in fields of significance to robotics. The visiting lecturers, in addition to presenting seminars on topics relevant to robots in the workplace, participate in informal discussions with Georgia Tech faculty and students.