K-12 STEM and Community Outreach in Robotics

The Institute for Robotics & Intelligent Machines (IRIM) participates in numerous K-12 STEM and community outreach activities related to robotics. Our outreach effort includes providing tours and demos during National Robotics Week, an annual celebration recognizing robotics technology as a pillar of 21st century American innovation. Now in its fifth year, the event educates the public on the benefits of robotics technology to society and inspires students of all ages to pursue careers in robotics and other Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields.

Additionally, IRIM hosts tours throughout the year, and our student group, RoboGrads, participates in activities to raise awareness of the importance of robotics technology and stimulate interest in the field. Recent RoboGrads projects include coordinating and mentoring a high school team for the FIRST Robotics Competition and coordinating tours and robotics demos for local high school groups.

Tour A Robotics Lab


IRIM's student group, RoboGrads, hosts tours for K-12 students throughout the year. 




Robot Trading Cards

Beginning in 2013, IRIM annually releases a set of trading cards to celebrate National Robotics Week. These fun cards highlight some of Tech’s most talented and productive researchers.

In 2014, IRIM teamed up with IEEE Spectrum and iRobot to create a second set of our popular robot trading cards. Each year we produce a new national deck featuring famous robots developed by companies and researchers in the U.S. And don't forget about IEEE Spectrum’s award-winning, internationally acclaimed Robots for iPad app, which you can get for FREE on iTunes.


National Robotics Week

The mission of National Robotics Week (RoboWeek) is simple: inspire students in robotics and STEM related fields, and share the excitement of robotics across all ages. At the same time we showcase the strength of the industry and the amazing things yet to come. Activities come in all shapes and sizes from a robot block party, to university open house, or a robotics competition

Want more robots? Discover even more at the IEEE Guide to the World of Robotics.