Affiliated Faculty

Warren Lee
Research Scientist
Kok-Meng Lee
Professor; School of Mechanical Engineering
Sang-Won Leigh
Assistant Professor; School of Industrial Design
Glenn Lightsey
Interim Director, Space Research Initiative
Jonnalagadda V R Prasad
Professor; School of Aerospace Engineering
Dana Randall
Mark Riedl
Associate Professor & Taetle Chair; School of Interactive Computing
Rusty  Roberts
Director | Aerospace, Transportation & Advanced Systems Laboratory; Georgia Tech Research Institute
Britney Schmidt
Associate Professor; School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University
Minoru  Shinohara
Associate Professor; School of Biological Sciences
Marilyn Smith
Professor; School of Aerospace Engineering
Eric Squires
Research Scientist; Georgia Tech Research Institute
Thad Starner
Professor; School of Interactive Computing
Andrea L. Thomaz
Professor; School of Interactive Computing
Miles Thompson
Lead Autonomous Systems Engineer; Georgia Tech Research Institute
Wei Xu
Associate Professor
Alenka Zajić
Ken Byers Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Fumin Zhang
Professor; School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Chen Zhou
Associate Professor; School of Industrial and Systems Engineering