Research Symposium Overview


IRIM hosts each year a symposium to feature presentations from faculty and presentations of research from the Georgia Tech Research Institute.

The symposium is a chance for faculty to meet new robotics students on campus, as well as a chance to get a better idea of what IRIM colleagues are up to these days. The goal of the symposium is to spark new ideas, new collaborations, and even new friends!


Fall 2024 IRIM Symposium 

August 21, 2024 | 9AM - 6PM
Klaus Advanced Computing Building 1116 
266 Ferst Drive | Atlanta GA, 30332



Event Agenda | TBA


9:00am  | Registration


9:30am | 
9:45am | 
10:00am | 
10:15am | 
10:30am | 


10:45am | Break


11:00am | 
11:15am | 
11:30am | 
11:45am | 
12:00pm | 


12:15pm - 1:15pm | Lunch 

1:15pm | 
1:30pm | 
1:45pm | 
2:00pm |
2:15pm | 
2:30pm |


2:45pm | Break

3:00pm | 
3:15pm | 
3:30pm | 
3:45pm | 
4:00pm |