Ronald C. Arkin
Regents' Professor; School of Interactive Computing
Robert Bever
Senior Research Engineer; Georgia Tech Research Institute
Douglas Britton
Program Manager | Agricultural Technology Research Program; Georgia Tech Research Institute
Tansu Celikel
Chair, School of Psychology
Henrik Christensen
Qualcomm Chancellor's Chair of Robot Systems; UC San Diego
Wayne Daley
Principal Research Engineer at Georgia Tech (Retired Working)
Michael Day
Senior Research Scientist; Georgia Tech Research Institute
Carl DiSalvo
Associate Professor, School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Dean of The Henry Samueli School of Engineering; UC Irvine
Alper Erturk
Woodruff Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering
Eric Marie J. Feron
Lecturer; College of Computing
Gary Gray
Research Scientist; Georgia Tech Research Institute
Beki Grinter
Professor; School of Interactive Computing
Simeon Harbert
Research Scientist; Georgia Tech Research Institute
Michael Heiges
Senior Research Scientist; Georgia Tech Research Institute
Wiley Holcombe
Senior Research Scientist, Georgia Tech Research Institute
Dean of the College of Engineering; The Ohio State University
Omer Inan
Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
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Research Scientist; Georgia Tech Research Institute
Professor; School of Mechanical Engineering