Faculty leadership positions available: (CLOSED)

Four separate IPaT Initiative Lead positions are available in spring 2024. Faculty candidates applying for an IPaT Initiative Lead position will support one of the following strategic research areas for IPaT:

1. Global Health and Wellbeing
2. Resilient and Informed Communities
3. Responsible and Ethical Technologies
4. Arts, Expression, and Creative Technologies

To apply, please submit a two-page description of your vision, how your background fits into the particular initiative you are applying for, and your CV. Questions about these positions should be addressed to Michael Best, executive director, at mikeb@gatech.edu. Submit your application to Cynthia Moore, cynthia.moore@ipat.gatech.edu. Applications are due April 8, 2024. We aim to fill the role in summer 2024. 

These positions strategically align with IPaT’s vision. Each IPaT Initiative Lead will serve for two years with an annual review of their performance. Reappointment will be possible following a positive review in the spring of 2025. In this position, you serve as a part of IPaT extended leadership team at the pleasure of the Executive Director.

As an IPaT Initiative Lead, you will be responsible for successfully advancing work in one of the four strategic areas mentioned above. This will include:
  1.  Leading the development of an integrated strategy to advance community development, resources, and thought leadership in the focus area.
  2.  Building a campus-wide community through internal workshops, seed funding calls, or other initiatives.
  3.  Serving as the facilitator (but not necessarily PI) for responses to large external opportunities relevant to the focus area.
  4.  Serving as an ambassador for the focus area at GT and externally.
  5. Facilitate other special initiatives and events promoting thought leadership around the focus area.

IPaT will assist you in the administrative and organizational aspects of these tasks, as needed.

The IPaT Initiative Lead will share specific goals and deliverables at the start of each academic year. Semiannually, the IPaT Initiative Lead will share an update on their activities with others on IPaT’s extended leadership team. A short report outlining achievements and challenges will be required at the end of each academic year as a part of IPaT’s annual reporting process. Information from the presentations and report will be used to complete the IRI annual report for the EVPR’s office.

This appointment will be in addition to your role as a faculty member in primary unit. All other terms of your active academic contract with your unit will remain unchanged. Each Initiative Lead will receive $10,000 in discretionary funds that can be used for summer salary, student assistants, or other needs. Additional resources will be available to support activities within each initiative.