CEP Research Symposium 2022
On Friday, February 11, 2022 from 9:00 AM to Noon (EST), researchers, stakeholders, staff, members, care partners and community members will meet to take stock, move forward, encourage collaboration, and synergize the progress we have made at CEP. Attendees will hear from various researchers and collaborators about the work they have accomplished and what they are planning in conjunction with the CEP members in 2022. In addition, recipients of the 2021 Cognitive Empowerment Program - Innovation Accelerator seed grant program will present their research findings and the 2022 seed grant recipients will introduce their proposals. To learn more about the CEP, please visit http://empowerment.emory.edu.
To register for the conference, please visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cognitive-empowerment-program-research-symposium-tickets-243724896727. And for more information about the symposium, please contact simtigrate@design.gatech.edu.
Evaluating Spaces at the Cognitive Empowerment Center – Lessons Learned for Quality Improvement
Herminia Machry and Raha Rastegar
Safety at Home Research: Early Lessons
Brian Jones and Maureen Burke
Google Home
Toma Zubaity
Teaching People with MCI to Use Technology
Breanna Carter
The Right Steps II Project
Tony Stringer
Co-Design Toolkit
Leila Aflatoony
Speech Perception
Clayton Feustel
Music, Mood, and Memory
Grace Lesile and Bryce Irvins
Moving Yourself in Space and Time: The MYSTIC STUDY
Madeleine Hackney
Sleep Quality of People with MCI
Ece Erdogmus, Andrea Green, and Eunhwa Yang
Recorded Video Presentations
Presentation videos for the February 11, 2022 second annual Charlie and Harriet Shaffer Cognitive Empowerment Program Research Symposium. Video links below featuring presentations from a broad range of researchers who have engaged in collaborative research with individuals living with mild cognitive impairment. There is a wealth of content in these videos and we have split them up so you can access the content relevant to you. We hope that you find this information as interesting and useful as we do. If anything here sparks your curiosity and you want to connect with the presenters please reach out to us at simtigrate@design.gatech.edu and we can help make those connections.
Part 1: Opening https://vimeo.com/681405928/f071b3bae2
Speakers: Allan Levey, Jennifer DuBose
Part 2: Built Environment Projects https://vimeo.com/681413982/899d5b1478
Speakers: Craig Zimring, Herminia Machry, Raha Rastegar, Brian Jones, Maureen Burke
Part 3: Technology Solutions https://vimeo.com/681418123/0d08e42b81
Speakers: Agata Rozga, Toma Zubaity, Breanna Carter, Tony Stringer
Part 4: Engaging Students https://vimeo.com/681421874/6afcb194fc
Speakers: Herminia Machry, Leila Aflatoony
Part 5: Previous Seed Grants https://vimeo.com/681427400/70455426b6
Speakers: Amy Rodriguez, Clayton Feustel, Bryce Irvin
Part 6: New Seed Grants https://vimeo.com/681430377/0c7690be3d
Speakers: Jennifer DuBose, Michael Rosenberg, Eunhwa Yang, Andrea Green
CEP Research Symposium 2021
View recorded sessions of the inaugural research symposium, January 2021:
CEP Research Symposium (Part 1 – Opening Plenary)
CEP Research Symposium (Part 2 – 2020 Seed Grant Reports)
CEP Research Symposium (Part 3 – Closing Plenary)