
The Molecular Evolution Core uses cutting-edge technology to provide you with the different services listed below. Our experienced core team is happy to discuss your projects with you to tailor these services to best suit your needs.

Next Generation Sequencing

The Molecular Evolution core is home to the Illumina MiniSeq, MiSeq, NextSeq, and HiSeq 2500 and caters to a wide range of sequencing projects including, but not limited to, whole-genome sequencing for small and large genomes, targeted sequencing, plasmid sequencing, RNASeq, and exome sequencing. The core staff is happy to offer their expertise and be involved right from the project design phase, to help you find the best platform and strategy to suit your needs. Services offered include initial sample QC, NGS library preparation, library QC and sequencing. 

Click here for more information on the various sequencing options available at the core.


Sanger Sequencing

Confirm the sequence of your DNA insert using the SeqStudio™ Genetic Analyzer System at the Molecular Evolution Core. We have the option of core staff processing your samples for you or giving you the chance to take complete ownership of your project by training you to run your samples yourself because this plug-and-play instrument delivers gold-standard Sanger sequencing technology and fragment analysis with just a simple click.

Click here to place an order for this service.

Whole Plasmid Sequencing

Confirm the sequence of your construct at the Molecular Evolution core. For just $75, core staff will sequence your plasmid and perform bioinformatics analysis on the data to provide you with fastq files and an assembled construct.

Click here to place an order for this service.

Automated Gel Extraction Using the Blue Pippin

The Blue Pippin features the ability to collect narrow and even fragment distributions as well as the flexibility to collect wide ranges of fragments. It also has the benefit of using pulsed-field electrophoresis for resolving and collecting high molecular weight DNA. The versatility of size ranges that can be collected by the instrument make it ideal for NGS library preparation pipelines related to short libraries like the Illumina and Ion Torrent platforms as well as large libraries like those used in the PacBio and Oxford Nanopore platforms. Target sizes or ranges of sizes are entered in the software, fractions of interest are collected in an elution buffer, which is then provided to the customer. Up to 5 samples per gel cassette may be run, with no possibility of cross-contamination. For long-range genomic applications, high-pass filtering allows users to collect all fragments above a size threshold set by the user. At $25 a lane, the different cassettes and size ranges available are:

3% agarose, 100-250bp

2% agarose, 100-600bp

1.5% agarose, 250bp – 1.5kb

0.75% agarose, 1-50kb

Click here to place an order for this service.