Core Equipment List

These resources are found in the Petit Institute: 

Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry Core

David Bostwick

MicromassQuattro LCLow-resolution tandem mass spectrometer
BrukerAmazon SpeedIon Trap with ETD
BrukerAutoFlex III MALDITOF-TOF mass spectrometer
BrukerRapiflexMALDI TOF

Biomechanics Core

Laxmi Krishnan

MTS858 Mini Bionix IIUniaxial compression, tension, torsion
TA InstrumentsELF 3220Uniaxial compression, tension, torsion
TA InstrumentsELF 3100Uniaxial compression, tension
TA InstrumentsELF 3200Uniaxial compression, tension

Biomolecular Analysis Core

Robert Hughley

LabconcoCentivap Concentrator/Cold TrapRapid scanning monochrometer
Beckman CoulterAnalyticalHPLC
GE BiosciencesIPGphorStrip Based IEF System
BioRadDodecaLarge profile PAGE system for Proteomics lab
AgilentBioanalyzerDNA, RNA, and Protein Analysis
LabconcoCentivap Concentrator/Cold TrapSpeed vac system
LabconcoFreeZone 6Freeze Drying System
Perkin-ElmerTri-Carb 2900TRScintillation counter
AmaxaNucleofectorCell electroporator
Perkin-ElmerIVISSpectrum CT in vivo imaging system
Beckman Coulter22RRefrigerated Micro centrifuge
Beckman CoulterAllegra X-R15Benchtop centrifuge
PackardCobra IIAuto-gamma counter
Beckman CoulterXPN 100Ultracentrifuge
AvantiJ1-30IHigh speed centrifuge
MP BiomedicalFast Prep 24Tissue Homogenizer
BiotekSynergy H4Multi-mode plate reader
GEFLA 9500Imager
GEAI 600 RGBImager
LI-COROdysseyInfrared Imager

EBB Cellular Analysis Core

Erich Williams

BD Immunocytometry SystemsFACS AriaIllu flow cytometer/cell sorter
BD Immunocytometry SystemsLSR IIDigital flow cytometer system
IzonqNano and qMicroParticle analyzers
Beckman CoulterMultisizer 4eCell counter
BDAccuri C6 (Serial #: 4814)Flow cytometer

High Throughput DNA Sequencing Core

Shweta Biliya

IlluminaHiSeq 2500High throughput DNA sequencing system
HamiltonNimbus 4Automated liquid handling machine
ABI3130XLSanger Sequencer

Histology Core

Aqua Asberry

LeicaAutostainerAutomatic stainer
BuehlerIsomet 1000Precision saw
BuehlerEcomet 3Grinder
General DataTEC2120Tissue embedding system
General DataRTPH-360Enclosed tissue processor
Thermo FisherNX70Cryostat
Waldorf (Germany)HM355SMicrom rotary microtome (2)
Zeiss100MFluorescence microscope with camera

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Core

Johannes Leisen

BrukerPharmaScan 7TMRI Scanner

Micro cT Core

Laxmi Krishnan

ScanomicroCT40Small specimen scanner
ScancomicroCT50Small specimen scanner
ScancoVivaCT40in vivo specimen scanner
SiemensInveonin vivo specimen scanner

Optical Microscopy Core

Sandy Hsieh

ZeissLSM -780 ELYRASuper resolution microscope system
ZeissLSM 710 NLOMulti-photon confocal microscope system
ZeissLSM 700Confocal microscope system 1
ZeissLSM900 AiryScanConfocal microscope system 2
ZeissPALM MicrodissectionLaser capture microdissection system
MDImageXpress Pico ImagerAutomated slide/plate imaging system
BiotekCytation 7 Reader/Imager with BioSpa 8Automated live cell incubation and imaging system

Neuroscience Core

Bo Yang

Axon700BMulticlamp Amplifier
Axon1550BDigidata digitizer
Tucker Davis TechnologiesRZ2Data Acquisition System
Tucker Davis TechnologiesRS4Data Acquisition System
Sutter Instrument Co.P-1000Micropipette Puller
Sutter Instrument Co.P-97Micropipette Puller
Teledyne DalsaInstrisicHigh Speed Imaging Camera
NikonSMZ 745TMicroscope
Scientific1000Slice Scope Pro
Scientific3000Slice Scope Pro
KopfNAStereotaxic Frame

Other Core Facilities Resources

Steve Woodard

Asmo3300Steam Sterilizers
Speed QueenQuantum Gold Electri-StackWasher-Dryer Stack for lab coats
LancerNALab glass washers
SterisRelianceLab glass washers

These resources are found in Krone EBB: 

Biopolymer Characterization

Bettina Bommarius and Mick Robbins

BioTekSynergy H4Microplate Readers
AP ChirascanTM-plusCD Spectrometer
OlisRSM 1000Stopped-Flow Spectrophotometer
ShimadzuProminenceUFLC System
WyattDynaPro NanoStarDynamic Light Scattering
GEAKTAPure25M with refridgerator
GEUltrospec 2100 proUV-Vis Spectrometer
MalvernOmnisecSEC-4-detector + MALS detector
MalvernNano ZZeta-sizer (zeta potential measurement)
Beckman CoulterOptima XPN 100Ultra Centrifuge
Beckman CoulterAvanti JXN-26High Performance Centrifuge
NanotemperPrometheusNative differential scanning fluorimeter
MicroCalVP-DSC 2MDifferential scanning calorimeter
WyattDynaProPlate reader (DLS with HTS capacity)
MicroCaliTC200Isothermal calorimetry 
Beckman CoulterAUC with schlieren opticAnalytical ultracentrifuge
MalvernNanosight NS300Light scattering using Nanotracking
Nanotemper TechnologiesTycho NTFast nanoDSF capillary

EBB Cellular Analysis Core

Robert Hughley

BDAccuri C6Flow cytometer
BDFusionCell sorter
BDFortessaDigital flow cytometer system
BDFortessa HTS SystemHigh throughput sampling system for digital flow cytometer
Sartorius Group, Inc.AMBR 15 (24 vessel) systemMicrobioreactor for automated cell culture
LI-COROdyssey CLxInfrared imager
FlowJo Dongle 1DongleFlow cytometry analysis software
FlowJo Dongle 2DongleFlow cytometry analysis software
FlowJo Analysis WorkstationSerial / Subscription For Single WorkstationFlow cytometry analysis workstation
Beckman CoulterVi-Cell MetaflexBioanalyte analyzer
GETyphoon Trio PlusVisible and phosphor storage imager

Genome Analysis Core

Dalia Arafat Gulick

Lonza4DNucleofector Core Unit
Bio RadddSeqSingle Cell Isolator
Bio RadTC20Cell counter
Thermo FisherStep One PlusReal Time PCR System
10X Genomics10XChromium System

Optical Microscopy Core

Danielle Scheff

Perkin-ElmerUltraVIEW VoXSpinning Disk System 1
Perkin-ElmerUltraVIEW VoXSpinning Disk System 2
ZeissZ1Dual Illumination Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscope System
NikonBiostation IMqIncubation Microscope
PerkinElmerVolocity ILS SoftwareVolocity Network License (SMA)
BrukerVutara 352Video rate super res microscope
BrukerOpterra IISwept Field Confocal
BrukerInvestigatorTwo photon microscope
CoherentChameleon DiscoveryTwo Photon Laser
FEIAmira Cell BioMicroscopy Software License SMA
ArivisVision4DMicroscopy Software License SMA

Molecular Evolution

Anton Bryksin

IlluminaMiSeqSmall whole genome sequencing
IlluminaMiniSeq16S Metagenomic sequencing
IlluminaNextSeqLarge whole genome sequencing
QiagenQiacubeRobot Workstation
BioRadDyad Chassis/Alpha EngineThermal Cycler
AgilentBioanalyzer 2100Purity assessment analyzer
RevcoULT FRZR 662AR5A01A(-80) Upright Freezer
GenetixQPix2xtColony picking robot
Fisher (Andrew Alliance)Andrew system 1000GSample handling robot
Fisher (AB)SeqstudioGenetic analyzer
BSIDenovix DS-11 FX+Spectrophotometer/Fluorimeter
Sage ScienceBlue PippinAutomated DNA sizing tool
StratageneMX3005PqPCR System

Systems Mass Spectrometry Core

David Smalley

DionexUltiMate 3000 RSLCnanoUHPLC system
Thermo ScientificQ Exactive PlusMass Spectrometer
DionexUltiMate 3000 RSLCUHPLC system
Thermo ScientificQ Exactive HFMass Spectrometer
Thermo ScientificProteome DiscovererSoftware (ver. 2.1)
Matrix ScienceMascot ServerSofware (ver. 2.5.1)
Thermo ScientificSieveSoftware (ver. 2.2sp2)
Thermo ScientificLipidSearchSoftware (ver. 4.1.28)
Beckman CoulterPF-2DChromatography system
Peak ScientificGenius 3022Nitrogen Generator
WatersAcquityUHPLC System

These resources are found in MoSE: 

Systems Mass Spectrometry Core

David Smalley

Bruker12T FT-ICRMass spectrometer

These resources are found in TEP:

BME Core Facilities

ZeissLSM 710 NLOMulti-photon confocal microscope system
CoherentChameleon UltraMultiphoton excitation laser
ZeissAxioOberserverInverted microscope system
ZeissAxioScopeUpright microscope system
ThermoFisherMicrom HM-355SRotary Microtome
BioTekSynergy H4Multi-mode plate reader
ThermoFisherStep-One-PlusRT PCR System
LicorCLxIR imaging system
ThermoFisherVeritiThermo Cycler
ThermoFisherShandon Varistain Gemini ESAutostainer

These resources are found in Whitaker: 

3D Medical Fabrication Core

Sarah Jo Crotts

FormLabsForm23D Desktop Printer (future)

These resources are found in the GCMI (575 14th St): 

3D Medical Fabrication Core 

Sarah Jo Crotts

EOSFormiga P110Laser Sintering Machine (using PCL)
EnvisionTECNA3D Bioplotter (future)