Core Equipment List
These resources are found in the Petit Institute:
Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry Core
Company | Model | Equipment |
Micromass | Quattro LC | Low-resolution tandem mass spectrometer |
Bruker | Amazon Speed | Ion Trap with ETD |
Bruker | AutoFlex III MALDI | TOF-TOF mass spectrometer |
Bruker | Rapiflex | MALDI TOF |
Biomechanics Core
Company | Model | Equipment |
MTS | 858 Mini Bionix II | Uniaxial compression, tension, torsion |
TA Instruments | ELF 3220 | Uniaxial compression, tension, torsion |
TA Instruments | ELF 3100 | Uniaxial compression, tension |
TA Instruments | ELF 3200 | Uniaxial compression, tension |
Biomolecular Analysis Core
Company | Model | Equipment |
Labconco | Centivap Concentrator/Cold Trap | Rapid scanning monochrometer |
Beckman Coulter | Analytical | HPLC |
GE Biosciences | IPGphor | Strip Based IEF System |
BioRad | Dodeca | Large profile PAGE system for Proteomics lab |
Agilent | Bioanalyzer | DNA, RNA, and Protein Analysis |
Labconco | Centivap Concentrator/Cold Trap | Speed vac system |
Labconco | FreeZone 6 | Freeze Drying System |
Perkin-Elmer | Tri-Carb 2900TR | Scintillation counter |
Amaxa | Nucleofector | Cell electroporator |
Perkin-Elmer | IVIS | Spectrum CT in vivo imaging system |
Beckman Coulter | 22R | Refrigerated Micro centrifuge |
Beckman Coulter | Allegra X-R15 | Benchtop centrifuge |
Packard | Cobra II | Auto-gamma counter |
Beckman Coulter | XPN 100 | Ultracentrifuge |
Avanti | J1-30I | High speed centrifuge |
MP Biomedical | Fast Prep 24 | Tissue Homogenizer |
Biotek | Synergy H4 | Multi-mode plate reader |
GE | FLA 9500 | Imager |
GE | AI 600 RGB | Imager |
LI-COR | Odyssey | Infrared Imager |
EBB Cellular Analysis Core
Company | Model | Equipment |
BD Immunocytometry Systems | FACS Aria | Illu flow cytometer/cell sorter |
BD Immunocytometry Systems | LSR II | Digital flow cytometer system |
Izon | qNano and qMicro | Particle analyzers |
Beckman Coulter | Multisizer 4e | Cell counter |
BD | Accuri C6 (Serial #: 4814) | Flow cytometer |
High Throughput DNA Sequencing Core
Company | Model | Equipment |
Illumina | HiSeq 2500 | High throughput DNA sequencing system |
Hamilton | Nimbus 4 | Automated liquid handling machine |
ABI | 3130XL | Sanger Sequencer |
Histology Core
Company | Model | Equipment |
Leica | Autostainer | Automatic stainer |
Buehler | Isomet 1000 | Precision saw |
Buehler | Ecomet 3 | Grinder |
General Data | TEC2120 | Tissue embedding system |
General Data | RTPH-360 | Enclosed tissue processor |
Leica | S6D | Stereomicroscope |
Leica | CM3050S | Cryostat |
Thermo Fisher | NX70 | Cryostat |
Waldorf (Germany) | HM355S | Microm rotary microtome (2) |
Zeiss | 100M | Fluorescence microscope with camera |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Core
Company | Model | Equipment |
Bruker | PharmaScan 7T | MRI Scanner |
Micro cT Core
Company | Model | Equipment |
Scano | microCT40 | Small specimen scanner |
Scanco | microCT50 | Small specimen scanner |
Scanco | VivaCT40 | in vivo specimen scanner |
Siemens | Inveon | in vivo specimen scanner |
Optical Microscopy Core
Company | Model | Equipment |
Zeiss | LSM -780 ELYRA | Super resolution microscope system |
Zeiss | LSM 710 NLO | Multi-photon confocal microscope system |
Zeiss | LSM 700 | Confocal microscope system 1 |
Zeiss | LSM900 AiryScan | Confocal microscope system 2 |
Zeiss | PALM Microdissection | Laser capture microdissection system |
MD | ImageXpress Pico Imager | Automated slide/plate imaging system |
Biotek | Cytation 7 Reader/Imager with BioSpa 8 | Automated live cell incubation and imaging system |
Neuroscience Core
Company | Model | Equipment |
Axon | 700B | Multiclamp Amplifier |
Axon | 1550B | Digidata digitizer |
Tucker Davis Technologies | RZ2 | Data Acquisition System |
Tucker Davis Technologies | RS4 | Data Acquisition System |
Sutter Instrument Co. | P-1000 | Micropipette Puller |
Sutter Instrument Co. | P-97 | Micropipette Puller |
Teledyne Dalsa | Instrisic | High Speed Imaging Camera |
Nikon | SMZ 745T | Microscope |
Scientific | 1000 | Slice Scope Pro |
Scientific | 3000 | Slice Scope Pro |
Kopf | NA | Stereotaxic Frame |
CoolLED | lm-100 | Camera |
Other Core Facilities Resources
Company | Model | Equipment |
Asmo | 3300 | Steam Sterilizers |
Speed Queen | Quantum Gold Electri-Stack | Washer-Dryer Stack for lab coats |
Lancer | NA | Lab glass washers |
Steris | Reliance | Lab glass washers |
These resources are found in Krone EBB:
Biopolymer Characterization
Bettina Bommarius and Mick Robbins
Company | Model | Equipment |
BioTek | Synergy H4 | Microplate Readers |
AP Chirascan | TM-plus | CD Spectrometer |
Olis | RSM 1000 | Stopped-Flow Spectrophotometer |
Shimadzu | Prominence | UFLC System |
Wyatt | DynaPro NanoStar | Dynamic Light Scattering |
GE | AKTAPure | 25M with refridgerator |
GE | Ultrospec 2100 pro | UV-Vis Spectrometer |
Malvern | Omnisec | SEC-4-detector + MALS detector |
Malvern | Nano Z | Zeta-sizer (zeta potential measurement) |
Beckman Coulter | Optima XPN 100 | Ultra Centrifuge |
Beckman Coulter | Avanti JXN-26 | High Performance Centrifuge |
Nanotemper | Prometheus | Native differential scanning fluorimeter |
MicroCal | VP-DSC 2M | Differential scanning calorimeter |
Wyatt | DynaPro | Plate reader (DLS with HTS capacity) |
MicroCal | iTC200 | Isothermal calorimetry |
Beckman Coulter | AUC with schlieren optic | Analytical ultracentrifuge |
Malvern | Nanosight NS300 | Light scattering using Nanotracking |
Nanotemper Technologies | Tycho NT | Fast nanoDSF capillary |
EBB Cellular Analysis Core
Company | Model | Equipment |
BD | Accuri C6 | Flow cytometer |
BD | Fusion | Cell sorter |
BD | Fortessa | Digital flow cytometer system |
BD | Fortessa HTS System | High throughput sampling system for digital flow cytometer |
Sartorius Group, Inc. | AMBR 15 (24 vessel) system | Microbioreactor for automated cell culture |
LI-COR | Odyssey CLx | Infrared imager |
FlowJo Dongle 1 | Dongle | Flow cytometry analysis software |
FlowJo Dongle 2 | Dongle | Flow cytometry analysis software |
FlowJo Analysis Workstation | Serial / Subscription For Single Workstation | Flow cytometry analysis workstation |
Beckman Coulter | Vi-Cell Metaflex | Bioanalyte analyzer |
GE | Typhoon Trio Plus | Visible and phosphor storage imager |
Genome Analysis Core
Company | Model | Equipment |
Fluidigm | BioMark | qRT-PCR |
BioRad | QX200 | ddPCR |
Lonza | 4D | Nucleofector Core Unit |
Bio Rad | ddSeq | Single Cell Isolator |
Bio Rad | TC20 | Cell counter |
Thermo Fisher | Step One Plus | Real Time PCR System |
10X Genomics | 10X | Chromium System |
Optical Microscopy Core
Company | Model | Equipment |
Perkin-Elmer | UltraVIEW VoX | Spinning Disk System 1 |
Perkin-Elmer | UltraVIEW VoX | Spinning Disk System 2 |
Zeiss | Z1 | Dual Illumination Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscope System |
Nikon | Biostation IMq | Incubation Microscope |
PerkinElmer | Volocity ILS Software | Volocity Network License (SMA) |
Bruker | Vutara 352 | Video rate super res microscope |
Bruker | Opterra II | Swept Field Confocal |
Bruker | Investigator | Two photon microscope |
Coherent | Chameleon Discovery | Two Photon Laser |
FEI | Amira Cell Bio | Microscopy Software License SMA |
Arivis | Vision4D | Microscopy Software License SMA |
Molecular Evolution
Company | Model | Equipment |
Illumina | MiSeq | Small whole genome sequencing |
Illumina | MiniSeq | 16S Metagenomic sequencing |
Illumina | NextSeq | Large whole genome sequencing |
Qiagen | Qiacube | Robot Workstation |
Nanodrop | Nanodrop | Spectrophotometer |
BioRad | Dyad Chassis/Alpha Engine | Thermal Cycler |
Agilent | Bioanalyzer 2100 | Purity assessment analyzer |
Revco | ULT FRZR 662AR5A01A | (-80) Upright Freezer |
Genetix | QPix2xt | Colony picking robot |
Fisher (Andrew Alliance) | Andrew system 1000G | Sample handling robot |
Fisher (AB) | Seqstudio | Genetic analyzer |
BSI | Denovix DS-11 FX+ | Spectrophotometer/Fluorimeter |
Sage Science | Blue Pippin | Automated DNA sizing tool |
Stratagene | MX3005P | qPCR System |
Systems Mass Spectrometry Core
Company | Model | Equipment |
Dionex | UltiMate 3000 RSLCnano | UHPLC system |
Thermo Scientific | Q Exactive Plus | Mass Spectrometer |
Dionex | UltiMate 3000 RSLC | UHPLC system |
Thermo Scientific | Q Exactive HF | Mass Spectrometer |
Thermo Scientific | Proteome Discoverer | Software (ver. 2.1) |
Matrix Science | Mascot Server | Sofware (ver. 2.5.1) |
Thermo Scientific | Sieve | Software (ver. 2.2sp2) |
Thermo Scientific | LipidSearch | Software (ver. 4.1.28) |
Beckman Coulter | PF-2D | Chromatography system |
Peak Scientific | Genius 3022 | Nitrogen Generator |
Waters | Acquity | UHPLC System |
These resources are found in MoSE:
Systems Mass Spectrometry Core
Company | Model | Equipment |
Bruker | 12T FT-ICR | Mass spectrometer |
These resources are found in TEP:
BME Core Facilities
Company | Model | Equipment |
Zeiss | LSM 710 NLO | Multi-photon confocal microscope system |
Coherent | Chameleon Ultra | Multiphoton excitation laser |
Zeiss | AxioOberserver | Inverted microscope system |
Zeiss | AxioScope | Upright microscope system |
ThermoFisher | NX-70 | Cryostat |
ThermoFisher | Gemini | Autostainer |
ThermoFisher | Microm HM-355S | Rotary Microtome |
BioTek | Synergy H4 | Multi-mode plate reader |
ThermoFisher | Step-One-Plus | RT PCR System |
Licor | CLx | IR imaging system |
ThermoFisher | Veriti | Thermo Cycler |
ThermoFisher | Shandon Varistain Gemini ES | Autostainer |
These resources are found in Whitaker:
3D Medical Fabrication Core
Company | Model | Equipment |
FormLabs | Form2 | 3D Desktop Printer (future) |
These resources are found in the GCMI (575 14th St):
3D Medical Fabrication Core
Company | Model | Equipment |
EOS | Formiga P110 | Laser Sintering Machine (using PCL) |
EnvisionTEC | NA | 3D Bioplotter (future) |