Call for Applications


Predoctoral students from BioE, BME, ChBE and ME finishing the Spring semester of their first year and working on a cell and tissue engineering research project will be eligible to be nominated by their thesis advisor (CTEng faculty) to the CTEng Program. CTEng nominations are requested by the Program Directors at the end of the Spring semester (in order to include Spring semester grades) via email to the CTEng faculty. The request for nominations email provides details on the CTEng program and activities, submission deadline, required components of the nomination package, and selection criteria. The nomination package must include:

  • Nomination form listing the trainee’s demographic data (degree program and year in training), undergraduate major, institution and G.P.A., graduate G.P.A., publications, career goals, and brief thesis project description.
  • Nomination letter from advisor describing research project and fit for CTEng.
    Student’s biosketch; and
  • Georgia Tech transcript of graduate coursework.