That first promotion to a leadership position at work — with more responsibilities, an exciting new challenge, a raise, and fresh confidence that your boss believes in your work and trusts you to deliver results — is the stuff of classic movie moments and sparkling toasts of celebration. But a new study from Keaton Fletcher and …

There’s a lot more to running a factory than manufacturing. Companies must also maximize the materials they use, minimize a wide range of costs, and reduce or eliminate factory floor time delays—while running many factories with a just in time inventory approach. So, when Moog, Inc., the well-known maker of motion control components for aircraft,…

The cycle of rising temperatures leads to increases in precipitation as well as droughts.  But what impact will these weather extremes, especially heavier precipitation, have on the earth’s most effective water cleansers – wetland sediments?   That question is driving a new $1 million, three-year grant awarded to a Georgia Institute of…

Meet Krishnendu (Krish) Roy, director of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Engineering Research Center for Cell Manufacturing Technologies (CMaT) and Marcus Center for Cell Characterization and Manufacturing, researcher in two interdisciplinary research institutes (IRIs) - IBB and IEN, and Robert A. Milton Endowed Chair at the Wallace H.…

In the last few years, a class of materials called antiferroelectrics has been increasingly studied for its potential applications in modern computer memory devices. Research has shown that antiferroelectric-based memories might have greater energy efficiency and faster read and write speeds than conventional memories, among other appealing…

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a concept that would make Martian rocket fuel, on Mars, that could be used to launch future astronauts back to Earth. The bioproduction process would use three resources native to the red planet: carbon dioxide, sunlight, and frozen water. It would also include transporting two…

In the traditional narrative of the evolving 21st century workplace, technological substitution of human employees is treated as a serious concern. But technological complementarity – the use of automation and artificial intelligence to complement workers, rather than replace them – is viewed optimistically as a good thing, improving productivity…

Future vaccine delivery may rely on everyday items like BBQ lighters and microneedles, thanks to the ingenuity of a team of Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University researchers.

Today, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and algorithmic advancements made by research scientists and engineers are driving more targeted medical therapies through the power of prediction. The ability to rapidly analyze large amounts of complex data has clinicians closer to providing individualized treatments for patients, with an aim to…

The symptoms and side effects of Covid-19 are scattered across a diagnostic spectrum. Some patients are asymptomatic or experience a mild immune response, while others report significant long-term illnesses, lasting complications, or suffer fatal outcomes. Three researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology and one from Emory University…