RBI Ph.D. Minor Program
Students receiving an RBI fellowship must complete an RBI minor, described by the course requirements below.
Students completing the RBI minor must file the appropriate declaration routing form with the home school as well as the RBI executive director’s office prior to admission to Ph.D. candidacy.
The RBI minor consists of 9 credits of coursework including 6 hours of RBI core courses and 3 elective hours.
RBI Core courses (each course is 3 credit hours)
Required of students in all home schools
ChBE/ME 6741 Pulp and Paper Manufacture (Fall only)
ChBE/ME 8803 Emerging Technologies in Forest Bioproducts (Every Spring)
It is suggested that RBI Fellows select an elective course from the list below. However, RBI Fellows and their advisors are allowed to select an alternate elective, as long as its inclusion is justified on the minor approval form.
Suggested Electives
ME 6281: Mechanics of Paper Forming and Coating (Every Fall/Even Years)
ME 6601: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (Every Fall)
MSE 6603: Natural Polymers
MSE 6406: Corrosion of Materials
ChBE/CHEM/MSE 6752: Polymer Characterization (Unavailable)
CHEM/ChBE 6760: Biocatalysis (Fall 2021)
ChBE/ME/MSE 6768: Polymer Structure, Physical Properties and Characterization (Unavailable)
ME 7301: Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Flow (Every Fall)
ChBE 6743: Fundamentals and Challenges for a Sustainable Chemical Enterprise (Spring 2022)
ChBE 8803: Colloids and Surfaces (TBA fall 2022 or spring 2023)
CHEM 8853/ChBE 8803: Biorenewable and Sustainable Chemistry/Renewable Biochemistry (Every other Spring semester)
MSE/CHEM 6750: Preparation and Reactions of Polymers (Every Spring)

Carson Meredith
Executive Director, RBI
Professor and J. Carl Pirkle Sr. Faculty Fellow
(404) 894-2082
(404) 385-2151