The search for the BBISS Executive Director is underway, initiated by office of the Vice President of Interdisciplinary Research. Click here for details.

Being an Engineer in a Circular Economy

Christos Athanasiou is determined to make life in space as sustainable as possible. After all, getting new materials into space is difficult, energy-intensive, and expensive, so it makes sense to reuse and repurpose as much as possible. Applying the principles of a circular economy in space makes a great deal of sense. But Athanasiou doesn’t want to stop there. If you accept the premise that life in space can be sustainable, why wouldn’t you aim for the same goal on Earth? Athanasiou and his students are developing a framework to revolutionize the testing and evaluation of the mechanical behaviors of sustainable materials. By replacing complex finite element simulations with user-friendly analytical formulas, their approach enables faster, cheaper, and more accessible materials testing.


The Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems one of Georgia Tech's ten Interdisciplinary Research Institutes.Picture of the Southeast United States from orbit at night. Our vision is to grow and mobilize Georgia Tech’s knowledge assets to create a sustainable future for all. We are proud to be a key partner on the implementation of Georgia Tech’s Sustainability Next 2023-2030 Strategic Plan and help advance Georgia Tech’s vision of addressing the biggest local, national, and global challenges of our time, relentlessly serving the public good, and developing exceptional leaders with positive societal impact.

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News Spotlight

Two Georgia Tech professors have earned the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S.…
Georgia Tech’s Executive Vice President for Research (EVPR) search committee has selected three finalists. Each candidate will visit campus and…
- by Benjamin Wright -Destination tourism has now matched or surpassed pre-Covid levels in many parts of the world. It’s leading to challenges as…

Upcoming Events

Join the Spring 2025 Sustainable Development Research Seminar featuring Gregory Gullette discussing urban ecologies and livelihood vulnerabilities in Bangkok, Thailand.
The theme for this year’s showcase is ecosystem, community, and infrastructure resilience, as well as resilience in the curriculum.
The theme for this year’s showcase is ecosystem, community, and infrastructure resilience, as well as resilience in the curriculum.
The Atlanta community is invited to the official kickoff event for the 2025 Atlanta Science Festival!