Researchers William Sharp and Nicoleta Serban want kids to eat what’s good for them, and they want the healthcare industry to recognize the benefits – both physical and fiscal – of healthy eating habits for kids. Sounds simple. But it isn’t. About 5% of children struggle with significant feeding disorders. Many of them are sustained by feeding…

By the end of this decade, offshore wind turbine generators (WTG) could provide enough energy to power 10 million homes in the United States. But producing all that new energy carries a surprising downside for large cargo ships, fishing boats, and other vessels that use radar to help navigate congested coastal waters. A recent study led by a…

In fiscal year 2021, Georgia Tech’s research enterprise — with grants, contracts, and other sponsored activities — totaled a record $1.2 billion, and we are currently on track to break that record in fiscal year 2022. To create a stronger business and service model to support initiatives, investigators, and continued growth, the Institute is…

The Military Graduate Research Program (MGRP) provides opportunities for U.S military personnel to conduct Department of Defense (DoD) related part-time research at the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) while simultaneously obtaining a graduate degree in a science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) related master’s degree program at…

Heart attacks and surgeries like angioplasty, bypass, or transplants can lead to organ and blood vessel damage called reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS is generated from four sources in cardiac tissue after heart attacks or reperfusion injury, the restoration of blood flow to previously deprived tissue: mitochondria, NADPH oxidase, uncoupled…

Precision, millimeter-level 3D tracking of robotic arm movements – without cameras and in the dark ­– is just one of the expected benefits of new research into ultra-wideband radio (UWB) technology underway at Georgia Tech. UWB technology uses low-level energy signals to enable short-range, high-bandwidth communications that do not interfere with…

Graduate students at the Georgia Institute of Technology have built the first graffiti-painting robot system that mimics the fluidity of human movement. Aptly named GTGraffiti, the system uses motion capture technology to record human painting motions and then composes and processes the gestures to program a cable-driven robot that spray paints…

When it comes to health, promoting a strong exterior and interior is equally important. "Physical health and mental health go hand in hand," said Courtney Crooks, Ph.D., a principal research scientist at the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI). Crooks is also a licensed psychologist and a U.S. Navy veteran with 20 years of applied…

The Institute for Data Engineering and Science, or IDEaS, is one of Georgia Tech’s 10 interdisciplinary research institutes. IDEaS provides the coordination and expertise necessary to link researchers across campus by strengthening Georgia Tech's position in big data. This installment of the Faces of Research Q&A series is…

A team of Georgia Tech students and faculty members has won the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) EcoCAR Mobility Challenge. The four-year competition tasked 11 universities with transforming a 2019 Chevrolet Blazer by adding advanced propulsion systems and automated vehicle technology. The goal was to improve the car’s energy efficiency while…