Findings from two published studies could lead to enhancements in artificial intelligence (AI) models by focusing on their flaws. One paper found that adding visual attributes to text in multimodal models could boost performance and usefulness for humans. Another study determined that few-shot learning (FSL) models lack robustness against…

An investment strategy based on findings culled from a new dataset is proving that it can provide substantially better financial returns than a traditional “buy and hold” approach.  The dataset compiles meeting minutes, speeches, and press conference transcripts from the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). It is the largest tokenized and…

Hurricane season is underway and runs through Nov. 30. While the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is forecasting a “near-normal” 2023, experts say that climate change paints a more unpredictable picture for the future. Behind the 2023 projections is a balancing act of rising oceanic temperatures and the onset of the climate…

For many patients battling a disease, or trying to prevent one, the best treatment option is controlled drug delivery. In those cases, a delivery system must bind with the drug and then release it precisely where and when it will be most effective. However, the same system doesn’t work for every drug — for example, the methods used for capturing…

The Strategic Energy Institute and the Venture Lab are excited to welcome Richard Gruber to lead the clean tech commercialization efforts at Georgia Tech. Gruber will be working closely with Georgia Tech researchers helping them convert their ground-breaking research into impactful companies. His role includes cultivating relationships with…

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help people shop, plan, and write — but not cook. It turns out humans aren’t the only ones who have a hard time following step-by-step recipes in the correct order, but new research from the Georgia Institute of Technology’s College of Computing could change that.Researchers created a dataset called ChattyChef,…

Georgia Institute of Technology Physics Professor and Center for Relativistic Astrophysics member Ignacio Taboada serves as spokesperson for IceCube Collaboration. Our Milky Way galaxy is an awe-inspiring feature of the night sky, viewable with the naked eye as a horizon-to-horizon hazy band of stars. Now, for the first time, the IceCube…

The Strategic Energy Institute (SEI) and the Infrastructure & Sustainability (I&S) unit of the Georgia Institute of Technology signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate on using campus as a living lab for deployment of clean energy technologies, reduce the campus carbon footprint, while also developing campus testbeds that…

Conventional wisdom suggests that we give to charity at least partly because of post-donation warm and fuzzies that make us feel great inside. Turns out, it might be the other way around. Georgia Tech School of Economics Assistant Professor Casey Wichman and a colleague from the University of Massachusetts Amherst have found evidence from social…

The pandemic made remote work the norm for many, but that doesn’t mean it was always a positive experience. Remote work can have many advantages: increased flexibility, inclusivity for parents and people with disabilities, and work-life balance. But it can also cause issues with collaboration, communication, and the overall work environment. New…