Carbon nanotubes – cylindrical formations of carbon atoms with incredible strength and electrical conductivity – hold great promise for creating new micron-scale low-power electronic devices.

But finding a…

Georgia Institute of Technology researchers are part of a new U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiative to develop the next generation of concentrated solar power (CSP), a technology that uses heat from the sun to…

Two multidisciplinary research teams have been awarded 2018 Petit Institute Seed Grants.

The program routinely pairs two researchers in the Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience at the Georgia…

Johnna Temenoff has been appointed to the Carol Ann and David D. Flanagan endowed professorship. Temenoff is a professor in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech…

Four Georgia communities developed and will implement smart design solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing the state. The projects, which tackle housing, traffic congestion, sea level rise and shared…

Arguably, the greatest fueler of life on our planet is photosynthesis, but understanding its labyrinthine chemistry, powered by sunlight, is challenging. Researchers recently illuminated some new steps inside the…

What does flying in a commercial airliner have in common with working at the office or relaxing at home? 

According to a new study, the answer is the microbiome – the community of bacteria found in homes…

Story begins at 27:32: A new consortium of university researchers is working to address the state of Georgia's most pertinent climate-related issues — it’s called the Georgia Climate Project, and it just…

By instructing key immune system cells to accept transplanted insulin-producing islets, researchers have opened a potentially new pathway for treating type 1 diabetes. If the approach is ultimately successful in…

Georgia Tech Ph.D. students and postdocs host AbGradCon 2018 this week. AbGradCon stands for Astrobiology Graduate Conference. The popular gathering provides a unique setting for attendees to share research,…

Georgia Tech Ph.D. students and postdocs host AbGradCon 2018 this week. AbGradCon stands for Astrobiology Graduate Conference. The popular gathering provides a unique setting for attendees to share research,…

Last year, commercial medical history was made when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first gene therapy treatment, Kymriah, in the U.S., opening the door to a new world of treatment for devastating…

Dr. Steven P. French, dean and John Portman Chair in the College of Design at Georgia Tech announced on May 31, 2018, that…

Curvy baseball pitches have surprising things in common with quantum particles described in a new physics study

There’s a long way to go before neuroscience can fathom the vastness of human consciousness, but researchers pushing that envelope have uncovered a mechanism that helps create a simple visual awareness.…

The Regenerative Engineering and Medicine (REM) research center isn’t a place. It’s more like glue with an agenda, binding together three research institutions – Emory University, the Georgia Institute of Technology…

“A large part of my research is thinking about how bacteria communicate,” says Sophie Darch. The postdoctoral researcher works with School of…

Three Georgia Tech researchers are members of a transdisciplinary team of experts from across Georgia who have released the "Georgia Climate…

Mucolipidosis IV debilitates afflicted children’s nervous systems in their first year of life, steals their eyesight in their teens and often takes their lives in their twenties, and so far, there is no therapy to…

Now in its sixth year, Project ENGAGES at the Georgia Institute of Technology has been around long enough to have some established traditions. For example, at the end of every academic year, ENGAGES students,…