Welcome to the Institute for Materials

Materials discovery is the foundation of many new technologies and is vital to economic growth as well as to the development of solutions to 21st century challenges in energy, mobility, infrastructure, computing, communications, security, and health. Founded in 2012 as one of Georgia Tech’s 10 interdisciplinary research institutes, the Institute for Materials at Georgia Tech seeks to enable and support Georgia Tech’s internationally recognized materials research and innovation ecosystem; establishing and supporting large-scale industry and government partnerships, developing opportunities for Georgia Tech researchers to catalyze new ideas, and establishing Georgia Tech as an internationally recognized hub for core materials research facilities, infrastructure and knowledge.

News Features

Blowin' in the Wind

As music distribution technology shifted from analog vinyl records to digital compact discs (CDs) and then to streaming files, the sound quality took a substantial hit – along with the monetary value of the musical consumer product.

Now, as the vinyl format is enjoying a comeback, materials scientists at the Georgia Tech Research Institute have worked with a team of artists and recording engineers to boost the quality of analog music reproduction through a new surface coating that both improves sound quality and prevents wear. The patented technology led to the creation of a one-of-a-kind Bob Dylan record that recently brought $1.8 million at a Christie’s auction.

Leadership Skills & Research in Photonics Garners Awards for MSE Grad Student Victoria Quirós-Cordero

Victoria Quirós-Cordero has been awarded a 2022 Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship by the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) for her potential contributions to the field photonics research. Quirós-Cordero is a Materials Science and Engineering PhD student at Georgia Institute of Technology advised by Materials Science and Engineering Professor Natalie Stingelin and School of Chemistry Professor Carlos Silva.

Blank Space (X-Large)
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Blank Space (X-Large)
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IMat Overview

Interdisciplinary Research

New concepts are devised in IMat's labs with the potential to generate game-changing, disruptive technologies, ranging from microelectronic sensors and communication devices, to energy harvesting systems, to mobile devices for energy conversion and storage. Interdisciplinary collaboration to accelerate the pace of  translating these technologies into industry practice are key ingredients that play into Georgia Tech’s strengths in fundamental research and industry-relevant development.

Shared Resources Initiatives @ IMaT

Centralized materials user facilities on the Georgia Tech campus support a broad range of fabrication and characterization activities. These include materials fabrication within the Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology (IEN), scanning and transmission electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and a broad range of tools in the joint IMat-IEN Materials Characterization Facility (MCF), and mechanical testing within the Mechanical Properties Characterization Facility.

Materials + Data Science & Informatics

Through the campus adjacent HPC facility, the Center for Materials Design Development and Deployment (MD3), the Georgia Institute of Technology has established the first university-industry collaborative research center in the nation focused solely on materials data science and enabled by a robust cyber infrastructure, e-collaboration platforms, and query -able persistent data warehousing.

Campus Highlights

The Dark Energy of Quantum Materials


Laura Greene; Member of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science & Technology and Chief Scientist of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory; Florida State University, University of Florida, and Los Alamos National Laboratory


Chaouki Abdallah, Georgia Tech's executive vice president for Research (EVPR), has been named the…
Knitting, the age-old craft of looping and stitching natural fibers into fabrics, has received…
Georgia Tech has been selected as one of six universities globally to receive funding for the newly…
