Past Workshops

Digital Supply Chain for Tissue Engineered Medical Products and Cell Therapies
Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL)
Accelerated Digital Transformation of Manufacturing
Accelerated Digital Transformation of Manufacturing in a Post-Pandemic World
Internet of Things for Manufacturing (IoTfM)
Internet of Things for Manufacturing (IoTfM)
Next Generation Manufacturing
Next Generation Manufacturing of Printed and Flexible Electronics
March 19, 2015 - Link to program booklet
Links to the presentation materials for this event can be found below. Click on the title to view and/or download the file:
* Flexible Hybrid Electronics Manufacturing Innovation Institute
* How Printing Technologies Will Change the Electronics Industry - Part 1 and Part 2
* Flexible Electronics for Industrial Applications
* Empowering the Industrial Internet of Things With 3D Printed Sensors and Antennas
* GTMI Research in Printed Electronics
* Printed Chem/Bio Sensor
* Flexible Hybrid Electronics at the Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics (COPE)
* High Performance Flexible Electronics Using 2D Materials
* Opportunities for Collaborative R&D with SMEs
* Research at Georgia Tech
* Workshop Notes
* List of Attendees