
Chaouki Abdallah, Georgia Tech's executive vice president for Research (EVPR), has been named the new president of the…

Work done by Georgia AIM (Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing) is translating into success stories across the state. Recently, these…

Whether it’s typing an email or guiding travel from one destination to the next, artificial intelligence (AI) already plays a role in simplifying daily tasks.

But what if it could also help people live more efficiently — that is, more…

Naiya Salinas and her instructor, Deryk Stoops, looked back and forth between the large screen on the wall and a hand-held monitor.

Tracing between the lines of code, Salinas made a discovery: A character was missing.

The lesson was…

Two faculty members in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering will receive achievement awards from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).…

Four industry leaders have been named to the new board of the Georgia Institute of Technology’s Manufacturing 4.0 Consortium, cementing the first full year of the organization that…

With new vehicle models being developed by major brands and a growing supply chain, the electric vehicle (EV) revolution seems well underway. But, as consumer purchases of EVs have slowed, car makers have backtracked on planned EV manufacturing…

When U.S. Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter from Georgia’s 1st District visited Atlanta recently, one of his top priorities was meeting with the experts at Georgia Tech’s 20,000-square-foot Advanced…

The University System of Georgia (USG) Board of Regents honored 12 Georgia Tech faculty members across campus with Regents’ appointments at its April meeting.

Among those recognized is

Georgia Tech is supporting career growth for its research faculty, who do critical work at the heart of the research enterprise.

The word faculty is often synonymous with tenure-track professors…