Breakfast Club Seminar

"Building Ex Vivo Immune Competent Tissues For Discovery and Translation"

Ankur Singh, Ph.D.
Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering
Georgia Tech / Emory University

The Singh lab research centers on creating biomaterials-based “living” immune tissues as organoids or on-chip to recapitulate structural and functional aspects of lymph nodes. The immune follicle organoids communicate dynamically with B and T cells and regulate the immune response. Using engineering principles, they study cellular and biophysical crosstalk among lymphoid tissues with immune cells, their tumors. The lab investigates the decision-making in immune cells at the cellular, molecular, and epigenetic levels to protect from infections, cancer, and inflammation. The Singh lab studies the effect of metabolic syndrome on bioengineered vaccines and develops immuno-modulatory nanomaterials to modulate microbiome and immune cells in metabolic disorders.

The IBB Breakfast Club Seminar Series was started with the spirit of the Institute's interdisciplinary mission in mind to feature local IBB faculty member's research in a seminar format. Faculty are often asked to speak at other universities and conferences, but do not often present at their home institution - this seminar series is an attempt to close that gap. IBB Breakfast Club Seminars are open to anyone in the bio-community.