World TB Day
The Emory/Georgia TRAC is pleased to host a number of events for World TB Day 2023, as well as promote events at our fellow Centers and Institutions. Events and calendars will be updated as we get closer to the week. All times are Eastern Standard unless otherwise notes.
Emory University will display works from the CDC Global Division of HIV/TB photography exhibit "Faces From the Frontlines" on the CNR bridge and on the digital displays in the RRR lobby.
12pm (Hybrid in Atlanta) "TB or not TB: why all roads (should) lead to tuberculosis research" A lunchtime event focusing on why we need new generations of TB researchers, followed by TB themed trivia with prizees for the winners. You do not need to be a TB expert to be able to win! Gather some friends and join us in CNR 8th floor Klammon Room. Pizza will be provided! Register Here. [Add to Calendar] (Flyer)
All day stop by the CNR bridge at Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health, and take a picture in the Stop TB photo booth! Post to Instagram/Twitter/Facebook and help us bring awareness to what is needed for TB elimination and tell people that Yes! We Can End TB!
8am (Hybrid in Atlanta) "State of the arts for TB vaccines: from bench to bedside" is a special session of Emory University's School of Medicine ID Seminar featuring Emory/Georgia TRAC investigators Dr. Prashant Bajpai, Dr. Lisa Cranmer, Dr. Danile Graciaa and Dr. Kristin Nelson. [Add to Calendar] (Flyer)
12pm (Hybrid in Baltimore) Johns Hopkins presents the 14th annual Comstock Lecture and World TB Day Presentation by Harvard School of Medicine Faculty Dr. Merced Becerrra, ScD. [Add to Calendar]. (Flyer)
9am (Hybrid in Atlanta) "Phthisis 2023: Reasons for Optimism about Tuberculosis Control" Dr. Susan Dorman of Medical University of South Carolina presents the keynote address for World TB Day. Register here. [Add to Calendar]. (Flyer)
12pm (Hybrid in Atlanta) Careers in TB lunchtime panel is an opprotunity for students to meet with a variety of TB focused professionals to learn about opprotunities in the field. Lunch will be provided for those in attendance. Register Here. [Add to Calendar]. (Flyer)
2:30pm (Hybrid in Atlanta and Seattle) Lightning Talks in TB features researchers from both the Emory/Georgia and Seattle TRAC giving updates on their current projects. [Add to Calendar]. (flyer)
Download the World TB Day general flyer HERE