What is the history of Cyber-Supply Chain Risk Management and why does it matter, today and tomorrow?
Meeting url: https://primetime.bluejeans.com/a2m/live-event/dvkgrehx
ABSTRACT: What is Cyber-Supply Chain Risk Management (C-SCRM)? What makes it different from classic (logistics) SCRM? What’s the history of C-SCRM? (covering both USG & industry activities in C-SCRM). Why is C-SCRM so important today- and what might the future hold? Mr. Davidson will address all of these & more on C-SCRM, past, present & future, to include candid Q&A with participants.
Bio: After 44 years in US Department of Defense (DoD), he transitioned to Synopsys in the private sector., in February 2019. He is an Experienced Leader working with military, whole-of-government, and public private partnerships with industry, academia and international partners. He is skilled in STEM, Enterprise Risk Management, and M&S/data-analytics for both governmental and commercial organizations. He has a Master of Science (MS) degree in National Security Strategy from US National Defense University and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from United States Military Academy at West Point.
"What is the history of Cyber-SCRM and why does it matter, today and tomorrow?"
Don Davidson
Director, Cyber-SCRM Programs