Rules of using this module...
When creating a new section, you must use the Time Machine Section or it will not work.
When adding a block to the section you must use the Time Machine Block.
When building the page out. Do not put more then 10 blocks in a section. I am told if you do to many it will break the page!!!
As always please ask question or for help before making rash decisions.
Hello World
Day one
Bacon t-bone picanha sirloin andouille burgdoggen biltong buffalo kielbasa pork belly tri-tip chicken pancetta.
Day 2
Bacon t-bone picanha sirloin andouille burgdoggen biltong buffalo kielbasa pork belly tri-tip chicken pancetta.
Day 3
Bacon t-bone picanha sirloin andouille burgdoggen biltong buffalo kielbasa pork belly tri-tip chicken pancetta.
Day 4
Bacon t-bone picanha sirloin andouille burgdoggen biltong buffalo kielbasa pork belly tri-tip chicken pancetta.
Day 5
Bacon t-bone picanha sirloin andouille burgdoggen biltong buffalo kielbasa pork belly tri-tip chicken pancetta.
Title Area
asdkjfh alskdj fhlaksdfh laksdjhf alksdjfh alskdjfh alksdfh aslkdjfh aslkdfjh aslkdfjh aslkdjfh alksjdfh kalsdfjh sa.
Day 22
dsafdsfds fdsf dsf fdsa
Day 23
fdsf fds fds fds
Day 25
dsfds. fds fds fdsa fdsafds
Here now
kalsjdhf a;skdj halsdkjf hlaksjdhf lkasjdhf laksjdhf laisduy pasjkdhfkl;asdjhf aklsjh asdfads