VPIR Brown Bag Info Session with Connie Casteel on SBIR/STTR Funding
The Office of the Vice President for Interdisciplinary Research invites you to join us for a brown bag virtual information session with guest presenter Connie Casteel on Wednesday, August 10, 2022, from Noon to 1:00 pm. Please find the Zoom link below. This event is open to all Georgia Tech faculty, staff, and students.
Need funding to advance your research from lab to product? The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs provide funding to transform basic research into market-ready products; they help ready your innovations for commercialization. Known as “America’s Seed Fund,” SBIR/STTR funding has helped launch thousands of startup companies around the country with research awards up to $1.5M. Whether launching your own company or partnering with an existing business, SBIR/STTR can move a technology down the development pipeline toward a product.
Not sure if SBIR/STTR is right for you? This Info Session is designed for those who know little or nothing about SBIR or STTR; it will be a starting point for anyone considering SBIR/STTR funding and will provide a forum to answer your questions. Come learn about the programs and see how they might be utilized to help commercialize your research.
Connie Casteel, of Georgia Tech’s Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC), helps researchers, entrepreneurs, and companies around the state understand and secure federal funding from the SBIR and STTR programs. ATDC, Georgia’s state-funded technology business incubator, helps launch, grow, and scale startups in Georgia.
Registration is not required. To join, follow this link: https://gatech.zoom.us/j/96325411583?pwd=MGJzUWFvZ0RZcjhVQUxuQUhra1hHUT09 Open the attached calendar invitation to add this event to your calendar. We hope to see you there!