Ultrasound on a Chip: New Applications in Intravascular & Sports/Emergency Medicine
Registration is Required: bit.ly/3kddyLp
About this GLUE Lecture
Inviting all clinicians and others interested in thinking about new ways to apply innovative ultrasound technologies in various medical settings. Ultrasound imaging is being revolutionized by dramatic miniaturization through convergence of novel transducer technologies and integrated electronics. A significant part of an ultrasound system can now fit at the tip of a catheter for minimally invasive imaging in the vasculature and can lead to wearable wireless patches to monitor bone fracture healing, blood flow, edema at joints, or
intracranial treatment monitoring. We will briefly introduce the key enabling technologies and open the conversation to discuss several current implementations and potential future applications in medicine.
About the Speakers
Levent Degertekin, is the George W. Woodruff Chair in Mechanical Systems and Professor in the G.W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering and the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech. Degertekin's current research focuses on microscale devices and integrated systems for ultrasound based medical imaging/therapy and magnetic resonance imaging.
Moderating the conversation with Degertekin is David Ku, Regents’ Professor, Lawrence P. Huang Chair Professor of Engineering Entrepreneurship in the Business School, and Vascular Surgeon. He has founded several Medical Device companies with exits to two public companies and will guide the conversation toward recognizing major commercial opportunities for novel medical devices.
About the GLUE Lecture Series
General Lectures Uniting Everyone (GLUE) is the Atlanta Center for Microsystems Engineered Point-of-care Technologies (ACME POCT) flagship event series and serves as our primary venue to educate on the entrepreneurial pathway and product lifecycle. It provides a forum to pitch clinical problems and teach about the technologies most promising for meeting these clinical needs.