Transitions in Regional Economic Development

The book, Transitions in Regional Economic Development, discusses “the uncertainties associated with the stalling of hyper-globalization and asks whether this creates opportunities for resurgent regional economies driven by local capabilities, resource efficiencies, and domestic production.”

In the book, the editors of Regional Studies—a leading international journal—and authors from universities around the world explore the shift in global power toward economies in the East, the impact of immigration on economies, and the consequences of urbanization. The book celebrates the 50th anniversary of Regional Studies, for which Jennifer Clark is an editor.

In an interview with IPaT, Clark reflects on the evolution of the field, and how the bid for Amazon’s new headquarters highlights an important economic development policy question for cities.

Read Dr. Clark's full interview with IPAT: 

News Contact

Jennifer Clark

Director of the Center for Urban Innovation

Associate Professor of Public Policy

Office: DM Smith 218

Phone: 404.385.7224