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Precision medicine and understanding health disparities, innovation to power competitive manufacturing, technology for smarter communities, and…
For environmental monitoring, precision agriculture, infrastructure maintenance and certain security applications, slow and energy efficient can be…
A team from Georgia Tech’s School of Architecture, School of Building Construction, and School of Civil and Environmental Engineering won first place…
The falling cost of solar power has led to a boom in recent years, with more and more photovoltaic panels popping up on rooftops and backyard solar…
The Faculty Honors Committee has awarded the Class of 1934 Outstanding Interdisciplinary Activities Award to Regent’s Professor Richard Fujimoto.…
The Georgia Institute of Technology is launching a new Master of Science in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Management (MSEEM) — the only…
Twenty three Georgia Tech students have been selected for the second class of Sustainable Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF). Twenty are new…
Even if you do your best to eat local, chances are most of the fruits and vegetables you consume come from far away -- especially if you live in a…
Solar power accounts for less than two percent of U.S. electricity, but could make up more than that if the cost of electricity generation and energy…
A team of semiconductor researchers based in France has used a boron nitride separation layer to grow indium gallium nitride (InGaN) solar cells that…