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BBISS director John Crittenden recently published a cover story with co-author David Kujawski in the professional journal, Water Technology. The…
BBISS Director John Crittenden, and esteemed co-authors, have been awarded the Top Feature Article of 2019 by the Environmental Science &…
For the next several months, visitors to the Atlanta Botanical Garden will be able to observe the testing of a new high-tech tool in the battle to…
With electric vehicles making their way into the mainstream, building out the nationwide network of charging stations to keep them going will be…
The Institute for Leadership and Social Impact (ILSI) is thrilled to announce the results of the 2020 Ideas to Serve Competition (I2S). Now in its…
Scientific endeavors across Georgia Tech are broad, deep, and varied — a fact underscored last week when the National Academy of Sciences announced…
Georgia Tech was among the 100-plus colleges and universities that participated in the 2020 RecycleMania Competition. The competition ran from…
We will be sharing the message of Earth Day throughout the week with special items added to the website every day! Monday - Sustainable…
By Michael Pearson Biomass energy generated by burning fuel made from trees can play a significant role in meeting the energy needs of the future…
In the past two decades, executives responsible for corporate sustainability (CSEs) have been showing up in a growing number of C-suites across the…