SCL Course: Essentials of Negotiations and Stakeholder Influence (Onsite/In-Person or Virtual/Instructor-led)
This course level-sets the participants' understanding of negotiation influence and strengthens preparation, planning and execution activities involved with both simple and complex negotiations. The program includes industry techniques and tools for traditional supplier negotiations, as well as tips for internal cross-functional leadership. Participants walk away with a standard industry and customized individual experience which includes their personal Negotiation Style “DNA” to help them embrace their own natural tendencies and strengths. The program includes mock negotiations to reinforce techniques and tactics immediately in a “no judgement zone” environment.
Course Description
Essentials of Negotiations and Stakeholder Influence level-sets the participants' understanding of negotiation influence and strengthens preparation, planning and execution activities involved with both simple and complex negotiations. The program includes industry techniques and tools for traditional supplier negotiations, as well as tips for internal cross-functional leadership. Participants walk away with a standard industry and customized individual experience which includes their personal Negotiation Style “DNA” to help them embrace their own natural tendencies and strengths. The program includes mock negotiations to reinforce techniques and tactics immediately in a “no judgement zone” environment.
Who Should Attend
This course is ideal for sourcing initiative leaders, project leaders, business unit leaders, operations managers, sales leaders and procurement & supply management-related professionals who are involved with supplier selection, contract development and supplier performance management.
How You Will Benefit
- Increase emphasis negotiation conditioning and philosophy setting before and throughout the entire sourcing engagement process
- Enhance your toolbox of industry standard negotiation prep tools like the SWOT and BATNA
- Better prepare for negotiations by leveraging knowledge of key negotiation terms and counter-offer tactics
- Improve negotiation table techniques and soft skills to direct and redirect negotiation momentum
- Heighten ability to successfully utilize your traditional "comfort zone" approach in combination with your negotiation team’s strengths by leveraging Personal Negotiation Styles
What Is Covered
- Negotiation Conditioning Overview
- Negotiation Preparation Tools
- Negotiation Execution Techniques
- Stakeholder Engagement & Team Leadership
- Live Negotiations Simulation & Feedback