Research Faculty Mentoring Program

 Research Faculty Mentoring Network

The EVPR’s office and the Research Next Research Faculty Engagement Team are excited to announce the launch of the new Research Faculty Mentoring Network. The goal of this program, a collaboration with GT Professional Education, is to increase connections within the research faculty community across campus and provide them with more opportunities for career growth at GT. We are recruiting mentors and mentees throughout January, and the program will kick off officially in late February with a launch event for mentors and mentees. The mentors and mentees will commit to participating in a nine-month session which will include the launch and graduation events, individual meetings about once a month, and asynchronous interactions via email. Signing up only takes a few minutes!

The in-person kick-off event will be on June 28, 2023 from 2:30pm-5:00pm
in the ballroom of the Technology Square Research Building (TSRB).
Please RSVP for this event here.

Why participate as a Mentee? 

This program welcomes mentees who are research faculty of any title or rank from the Residential Instruction (RI) side of Georgia Tech, with the goal of helping them successfully navigate and grow their research careers. Participation will provide valuable opportunities to network with other faculty and staff across campus, and to gain new insights into the research enterprise and the Institute in general. Mentees can specify their interests which could range from domain specific topics in their field, to grant writing, working with industrial partners, entrepreneurism, management skills, or how to successfully navigate the promotion process. Mentees will also gain experience that they can use in the future to serve as mentors in the program. 

Why participate as a Mentor? 

The program welcomes mentors from RI as well as GTRI, from the research or academic faculty titles and ranks. It is important that our more senior members of the community help to build a more supportive environment for our research faculty, which is critical to the future success of the Institute. Mentors will also personally benefit from the networking and service opportunities. They will learn from colleagues in different fields and units and will develop mentoring skills that can be applied to current or future leadership supervisory roles. 

Questions or comments about the program? Please contact: 

Sign up to participate as a mentee or mentor