Novelis/Georgia Tech AI Applications Workshop
Jun 26, 2023 —

Novelis scientists and engineers in the GTMI Advanced Manufacturing Pilot Facility. More than 50 scientists and engineers from Novelis attended the AI workshop.
The Novelis Innovation Hub at Georgia Tech organized a "AI Applications Workshop" on June 8, 2023. This hybrid event took place on the Georgia Tech campus and brought together a diverse group of participants, including over 50 scientists and engineers from Novelis, as well as faculty members, scholars, and administrators from Georgia Tech. The main purpose of the workshop was to identify synergies between the areas of interest and needs within Novelis and the research and capabilities of Georgia Tech faculty in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). The aim was to explore how the two organizations could collaborate effectively in leveraging AI/ML technology. Through presentations and discussions, potential areas of interest aligned with Novelis's objectives were identified, focusing on machine learning for system modeling, diagnostics, and prognostics in manufacturing systems, materials informatics, digital engineering including digital twins, model-based system engineering, and the integration of AI/ML. The open discussion session focused on collaboration opportunities to accelerate discovery, development, and optimization of materials and manufacturing processes of relevance to Novelis. The desired outcomes of the event were to define follow-up actions, specifically focusing on developing collaborative proposals and statements of work (SOWs) between Novelis and Georgia Tech. By facilitating this collaborative environment, the workshop aimed to foster meaningful partnerships and to enable the exchange of industry needs and academic research expertise, ultimately paving the way for future collaborations and advancements in AI applications. More photos from the event >>.