NNCI Societal and Ethical Implications Webinar | NNCI Societal and Ethical Implications Webinar

Over the past few decades, state governments have found that they increasingly need more science and engineering knowledge to inform their decisions. In an effort to assist in this process, a number of states have developed fellowship programs that bring in Ph.D. scientists and engineers to work directly with state officials, lawmakers, and their staff. A number of former graduate students who participated in the NNCI’s Science Outside the Lab (SOtL) program have gone on to work with state governments to tackle complex policy problems. This panel will bring together four SOtL alums to discuss their experiences bridging science and policymaking in state governments. The panelists will explore the relationship between science and public policy and discuss how they were able to contribute to laws and decisions that impact millions of people.


  • Moriah Locklear, Ph.D. in organic chemistry from the University of Nebraska, is a federal research engagement manager at Arizona State University in Washington, DC.
  • Stephanie Mitchell, Ph.D. in chemical biology from the University of Minnesota, is a CCST science policy fellow working with the California Assembly Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife.
  • Sawyer Morgan, Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the University of Washington, is a research scientist at the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities community solar program.
  • Jacob O’Connor, Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Washington, is an assistant consultant with the California Senate Committee on Transportation.


Jamey Wetmore, associate professor at Arizona State University, is the associate director of the NNCI for Societal and Ethical Implications.