After four years at Georgia Tech, Daniel Gurevich will graduate this spring with bachelor’s degrees in industrial engineering, physics, and math. As a result of his academic excellence, he has been honored with…

By Michael Pearson

Simply adopting virtual reality technologies is not enough for manufacturing-sector managers looking to bring more efficiency and productivity to the plant floor, according to a new study…

Every year, all of Georgia Tech’s outstanding faculty and staff are recognized at the Faculty and Staff Honors Luncheon. As a result of modified campus operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, the luncheon this…

Innovations in health and wellness, student experiences, and the global COVID-19 response were all recognized during the finale of the Spring 2020 Convergence…

For patients undergoing transplant surgeries, there is always the immediate concern of the body rejecting the new organ – be it a lung, kidney or heart. There are a few different ways the body can reject an organ,…

A research team at the Georgia Institute of Technology has created a prototype for a low-cost, portable emergency ventilator that uses electronic sensors and computer control to manage key clinical parameters such as…

Researcher Salimah LaForce (CACP), teamed up with Scott Gilliland (IMTC) and Jeff Evans (GTRI/CACP), to form an interdisciplinary team of research faculty from Georgia Tech's Ivan Allen College, the College of…

The Institute’s motto of Progress and Service may have never been engaged as deeply and thoroughly as it has through this pandemic, as COVID-19 research becomes Georgia Tech’s new normal. Researchers at every level…

For 20 years, the Petit Undergraduate Research Scholars program has helped develop the next generation of leading bio-researchers. Most years, the competitive fellowship program (open to all Atlanta universities)…

Please note: This page is a compilation of faculty media mentions. For up-to-date information on Georgia Tech's response to coronavirus (COVID-19) please see 

Annabelle Singer, assistant professor in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory, and a researcher in the Petit Institute for Bioengineering and…

Gaps in the supply of coronavirus tests are propelling initiatives to fill them across the country. At the Georgia Institute of Technology, bioscience researchers are burning the midnight oil to produce key…

The latest class of the Georgia Smart Communities Challenge program is sharing mid-term progress reports.

Georgia Smart is a funding and technical assistance pilot program open to Georgia governments to…