In the fourth financial quarter of 2018 (October 1st - December 31st), BBISS Director John Crittenden gave financial gifts totaling $129,084 designated for the Crittenden and Associates Graduate Student…

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Four faculty members from the Georgia Institute of Technology have been accorded one of the highest professional distinctions accorded to a medical and biological engineer. Mark Borodovsky, Eva Lee…

When you nick yourself shaving, or clumsily slice your thumb while cutting sheetrock, you can thank goodness for integrins. These specialized proteins play a critical role in stopping the bleeding that ensues as a…

A postdoctoral scholar, or postdoc, “is an individual holding a doctoral degree who is engaged in a temporary period of mentored research and/or scholarly training for the purpose of acquiring the professional skills…

An interface system that uses augmented reality technology could help individuals with profound motor impairments operate a humanoid robot to feed themselves and perform routine personal care tasks such as scratching…

Magnus Egerstedt has been elected as a Foreign Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. Egerstedt is being honored for his work on multi-robot systems and for his previous role as the executive…

Georgia Tech’s Earth Day Festival will be held on April 19 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Every year, it is one of the biggest Earth Day events in the Southeast. The theme for 2019 is “Earth’s Future: It’s In Our Hands.” The…

Desert snakes slithering across the sand at night can encounter obstacles such as plants or twigs that alter the direction of their travel. While studying that motion to learn how limbless animals control their…

An ultra-low power hybrid chip inspired by the brain could help give palm-sized robots the ability to collaborate and learn from their experiences. Combined with new generations of low-power motors and sensors, the…

Georgia Power today announced, in collaboration with Georgia Tech, it will build a new 1.4 MW microgrid in Tech Square at Spring and Fifth streets in Midtown Atlanta. Microgrids are self-contained power systems co-…

Capacitors, given their high energy output and recharging speed, could play a major role in powering the machines of the future, from electric cars to cell phones. 

But the biggest hurdle for these…

The Georgia Institute of Technology is launching a new Master of Science in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Management (MSEEM) — the only graduate…

School of Interactive Computing Ph.D. candidate Caitlyn Seim was awarded one of Stanford University’s exclusive

Twenty three Georgia Tech students have been selected for the second class of Sustainable Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF). Twenty are new…

Eberhard Voit, professor in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory and a researcher in the Petit Institute for Bioengneering and Bioscience, has been…

Side channel signals and bolts of lightning from distant storms could one day help prevent hackers from sabotaging electric power substations and other critical infrastructure, a new study suggests.


An algorithm developed by researchers at Georgia Tech can quantify periods of high stress on college campuses and could better inform appropriate responses by counselors, deans of…

Shimi the Robot’s Latest Venture in Sound Explores Emotive Response and What It Means for Communication

“It’s all about music,” said