Neuro Next Seminar

"Mechanisms of Axon Regeneration and Determinates of Functional Recovery following Nerve Injury" - Jill Ward, Emory University

Jill Ward 
Assistant Professor  
Department of Cell Biology 
Emory University 

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Speaker Bio
Jill Ward is a first-generation college graduate and received her Bachelor's degree in Animal Sciences from Auburn University, where she was a Bryant-Jordan Student-Athlete Fellow and graduated summa cum laude. Jill then earned a Ph.D. in Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology from the University of Louisville where she was supported by an NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA, F31 predoctoral fellowship) to study the effects of treadmill locomotor training on locomotion, urogenital function, and pain following spinal cord injury in rats. Jill’s post-doctoral training at Emory University was supported by an NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA, F32 postdoctoral fellowship) focused on enhancing peripheral axon regeneration via neuronal activity in various forms, including running exercise, optogenetics, and electrical stimulation, and the role of hormones and sex differences on the effectiveness of these experimental treatments in transgenic mouse models. Jill is the recipient of an Early Career Research Award from the National Center for Medical Rehabilitative Research (NIH/NICHD) and the R.R. Bensley Early-Career Investigator Award in Cell Biology from the American Association of Anatomy. 

Faculty Host: Ming-fai Fong