Manufacturing Certificate - International Option

The Manufacturing Education Program’s (MEdP) Manufacturing Certificate - International Option gives students an in-depth experience in global engineering education, culture, practices, and competition.

The option allows students to take advantage of Georgia Tech educational platforms in the United States, Europe (Georgia Tech-Lorraine), and Asia (Logistics Institute in Singapore), which serve as a base for both US and non-US students to acquire an international academic background.

Students also have the choice to intern at an overseas site of one of the program's industry sponsors.

International Option Program Requirements

The Manufacturing Certificate – International Option involves at least one semester (fall, spring, or summer) of overseas experience for students. US students would spend their time outside the US. Non-US students (with I-20) would spend their time in a country other than their home country and the US to receive the Manufacturing Certificate – International Option. Students must be enrolled in the Manufacturing Certificate program to participate in the International Option.

Students can take courses, perform thesis research, or conduct independent studies at Georgia Tech-Lorraine (GTL) or the Logistics Institute – Asia Pacific (TLI) in Singapore to acquire their international experience.

Students can also take advanced courses at GTL, TLI, ENSAM (ParisTech)SUPELEC, the National University of Singapore (NUS), or other overseas affiliated institutions. Courses taken at universities other than GTL and TLI must be approved by the student's department at Georgia Tech in Atlanta.

Students may also intern with a company outside the US and their home country to meet the International Option requirement.

Application for the Manufacturing Certificate - International Option

Contact us with any questions that you have about the Manufacturing Certificate - International Option.