It's Gonna Be a Bright, Sunshiny Day
Aug 04, 2017 — Atlanta, GA
On a sunny afternoon, Norman “Finn” Findley stands with an angel investor beneath a canopy of shiny solar panels that covers a parking lot adjacent to what will be Atlanta’s new football stadium.
Findley is CEO of Quest Renewables, a startup that licenses Georgia Tech research, and this particular solar canopy is the company's most extensive project to date. When fully operational, the system will generate enough electricity to power nine home games per season.
“It blows people’s minds,” Findley said, explaining to the investor how his company’s QuadPod Solar Canopy system will work. “It still blows my mind a little bit.”
Read the full story: It's Gonna Be a Bright, Sunshiny Day
Péralte C. Paul
Communications and Marketing Manager
Phone: 404.894.8727
Email Peralte Paul