IPaT Thursday Think Tank: Smart & Connected Cities

Thursday, October 6 - Smart & Connected Cities 

Moderator: Siva Jayaraman, Strategic Partnerships Manager, Institute for People and Technology

This Thursday we'll recap the events and discussion from Smart Cities Week in Washington, D.C. We'll also go over what industry is deploying in this space as demonstrated at SCW. Finally, we'll discuss future opportunities and collaborations.


The Thursday Think Tank is a weekly gathering of the IPaT community to brainstorm about research and stay informed about the work that everyone is doing. This is an informal gathering where the moderator kicks off the weekly topic, but everyone is encouraged to join the discussion.

Ideas for future Thursday Think Tanks? Send comments or suggestions to Russ Clark (russ.clark@gatech.edu) or Maribeth Gandy (maribeth@imtc.gatech.edu)