IPaT Thursday Think Tank: Small Bets Seed Grant Workshop

IPaT Thursday Think Tank
Beth Mynatt, Executive Director, Institute for People and Technology
Georgia Tech has announced a new seed grant program called Small Bets, which awards up to $75,000 for work that addresses some of society’s most difficult challenges. After meeting basic qualifications, interdisciplinary proposals will be selected at random by the Office of the Executive Vice President for Research. Proposals must have at least two eligible principal investigators (PIs), and faculty members can be a PI or co-PI on only one proposal.
Join us for the IPaT Thursday Think Tank on February 27 to meet potential Small Bets collaborators and explore project ideas. We’ll also have a “give/get” session to talk about your research strengths, plus areas where you could use more expertise for a successful proposal.

Read more about Small Bets and how to apply. Applications are due by March 13.