IPaT Thursday Think Tank: Research Next

With the mission of catalyzing research and innovation that matter and improve the human condition, the Commission on Research Next focuses on addressing the significant challenges ahead faced by research universities. The CRN tapped the knowledge and expertise of Georgia Tech faculty, staff, and students to analyze what the research landscape will look like ahead, for Georgia Tech and for other research-intensive universities.


This IPaT Thursday Think Tank facilitated by Tim Lieuwen, Regents Professor, David S. Lewis J. Chair in the Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering, and executive director of the Strategic Energy Institute, will focus on a conversation discussing the previous work in phase 1 of the Commission on Research Next and the upcoming phase two work of the six goal teams.



Virtual Conferencing Details:

Meeting URL: https://bluejeans.com/330471123/2261?src=join_info

Meeting ID: 330 471 123

Participant Passcode: 2261

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