IPaT Thursday Think Tank: Mobile Health

Thursday, December 1 - Mobile Health


Rosa Arriaga, Senior Research Scientist, School of Interactive Computing

Eva van Leer, Assistant Professor, Georgia State University Communication Sciences and Disorders Program

For this session, the focus will be the tension between the need to do user-centered design of health interventions, and the requirements of scale that come with trying to deploy mobile interventions nationwide. This work requires deep understanding of a user and her community to create successful interventions, but then the challenge is to create systems that impact a large enough population. Rosa Arriaga will discuss the role of theory in a) developing interventions that may be scaled across sites and even across chronic conditions and b) helping designers contextualize the design space. Eva van Leer also develops mobile health technology, specializing in "voice disorders." She'll introduce the theory that drives her research. 


The Thursday Think Tank is a weekly gathering of the IPaT community to brainstorm about research and stay informed about the work that everyone is doing. This is an informal gathering where the moderator kicks off the weekly topic, but everyone is encouraged to join the discussion.

Ideas for future Thursday Think Tanks? Send comments or suggestions to Russ Clark (russ.clark@gatech.edu) or Maribeth Gandy (maribeth@imtc.gatech.edu)