IPaT Thursday Think Tank - Feb 11

IPaT Thursday Think Tank: Planning for Future of Work Call Proposals

Thursday, February 11, 2021, 3:30-4:30 p.m. 
Online (BlueJeans)

In this Think Tank, Rosa is going to be reviewing the FUTURE of WORK call for proposals (CFP).


She will provide an overview of the CFP and characterize the proposals that have been awarded. There will also be a brainstorming session for audience members to get into groups to discuss areas of interest. Facilitated by Rosa Arriaga, Associate Chair of Graduate Affairs in IC and Principal Research Scientist

If you would like to call into the conversation using a phone, you can access using the phone numbers below:

+1.408.419.1715 (United States (San Jose))(see all numbers - https://www.bluejeans.com/numbers)

Meeting ID: 521 440 874

Enter the meeting ID followed by #