InQuBATE T32 Program Welcome Retreat @ GT
REGISTER HERE for Participation Link*
*Presenting a Poster? Please register no later than Friday, September 17, 2021
NIH NIGMS T32 Training Program
InQuBATE (Integrative and Quantitative Biosciences Accelerated Training Environment)
PIs: Joshua Weitz, Ph.D., School of Biological Sciences, Georgia Tech, and Peng Qiu, Ph.D., Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Tech / Emory University
Established in July 2021, InQuBate aims to train a new generation of scientists in the area of integrative and quantitative biosciences and bioengineering.
The InQuBATE Kick-off Retreat will welcome the inaugural trainees, showcase the participating labs, and share information for 1st year students who may be interested in applying to join this NIH training program in Fall 2022!
- short presentation to introduce the program + Q&A
- brief intro of trainees
- lab posters + networking
InQuBATE 411
- Two years of fully funded Ph.D. support via NIH NIGMS T32 Award
- Features 15 faculty advisors in CoS, CoE, and CoC
- Trainees from seven Ph.D. programs (QBioS, BME, BIOE, ML, CSE, Biology, and Physics)
- Goal is to leverage developments in biological theory, modeling, data analytics, and machine learning to help trainees develop a mechanistic understanding of living systems spanning molecules, cells, to populations