How Likeable Are You? Here Are 8 Ways You Can Improve Your Likeability At Work

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ latest American Time Use survey, Americans spend 8.6 hours a day working and 7.6 hours a day sleeping. This leaves only 7.8 hours per work day to do anything else – eat, workout, do household chores, visit with friends and family, etc. Statistically, that means most people spend more time with their co-workers than anyone else during the workweek, including their own immediate family. For this reason, the relationships you have with your co-workers can be the most important in determining your day-to-day happiness.  In fact, these relationships might even affect more than happiness. According to Dale Carnegie’s How To Win Friends And Influence People, getting along with your co-workers will not only improve your overall work experience, but will make you more successful. Give your day a boost by following these 8 tips to increase your likeability. If you get along with those you work with, your spirits are bound to improve, as is the quality of your work.