GLUE Webinar: General Lectures Uniting Everyone

This webinar is offered virtually via Zoom. Please click here to register.

"Bringing Engineers & Clinicians Together To Explore Microchip Applications In Healthcare"

Farrokh Ayazi, Ph.D.
Regents Entrepreneur & Ken Byers Professor in Microsystems
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Tech

W. Hong Yeo, Ph.D.
Woodruff Faculty Fellow & Associate Professor
George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech
Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory University

Please attend this session to learn about new technologies currently being developed by engineers, then join our discussion about potential new clinical applications. We will envision uses applicable to a wide variety of disciplines including cardiology, pulmonology, neurology, orthopedics, rheumatology, nephrology, urology, and ENT.

Farrokh Ayazi, PhD is the Regents Entrepreneur & Ken Byers Professor in Microsystems in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech. He is the founder and managing director of StethX Microsystems, a spin-off of his research lab that is developing next-generation wearable devices for long-term monitoring of cardio- pulmonary diseases using a proprietary microchip sensor technology.

W. Hong Yeo, PhD is a Woodruff Faculty Fellow, Associate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, and the Director of the Center for Human-Centric Interfaces and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He has published over 120 peer-reviewed articles, including many in top-quality journals, including Nature Materials, Nature Machine Intelligence, Nature Communications, and Science Advances. In addition, he is the founder and CTO of Wis Medical, Inc, which develops a wearable cardiac health monitor.

General Lectures Uniting Everyone (GLUE) is the Atlanta Center for Microsystems Engineered Point-of-care Technologies (ACME POCT) flagship event series and serves as our primary venue to educate on the entrepreneurial pathway and product lifecycle. It provides a forum to pitch clinical problems and teach about the technologies most promising for meeting these clinical needs.