Georgia Tech HPC Community Joins the Global HPC Community
Jan 05, 2024 —

The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analytics, or “Supercomputing” (SC) for short, was held in Denver from November 12-17 and hosted nearly 14,000 attendees. SC is the premier event for advances in algorithms, applications, architectures and networks, clouds and distributed computing, data analytics and visualization, machine learning and HPC, programming systems, system software, and state of the practice in large-scale data storage, deployment and integration. Each year, SC provides a unique opportunity to meet leaders in the field of high-performance computing, including researchers at universities and government labs, and hardware vendors like Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, and Penguin Computing.
The theme for this year’s event was “I am HPC; Impact and Future Direction,” focusing on the ways in which HPC impacts society as well as the community of researchers in HPC. An interdisciplinary cohort comprised of Georgia Tech researchers from the Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment, the Center for High-Performance Computing, the School of Computational Science and Engineering, the Center for Research into Novel Computing Hierarchies, the Institute for Data Engineering and Science, and the School of Computer Science at various levels of their career were in attendance to present technical talks, participate in workshops and promote HPC research at Georgia Tech with a booth in the exhibit hall.
Georgia Tech teams were well represented across the research themes, including presentations on; large graph analytics, new methods for high-performance data-intensive workloads, challenges presented by the exascale computing, and Large Language Models (LLMs) applications in codesign. Jeffrey Young and Richard Vuduc were feature speakers in the tutorial “Leveraging SmartNICs for HPC Applications” that offered attendees an in-depth exploration of the state-of-the-art for SmartNICs and the emerging software ecosystems supporting them. Georgia Tech was also represented in the Birds of a Feather Co-Hort Panel Discussions on “Software Testing for Scientific Computing in HPC” and “Scientific Software and the People Who Make It Happen: Building Communities of Practice”. Of special mention is the Special Topic Workshop on “Machine Learning with Graphs in High Performance Computing Environments” organized by Richard Vuduc of Georgia Tech as well as Seung-Hwan Lim, Catherine Schuman, and Jose Moreira.
Georgia Tech researchers had numerous discussions with potential collaborators and new partners for initiatives in high performance computing, including conference attendees from universities, government labs, and industry. The team also had a great opportunity to reconnect with numerous alumni, who stopped by the GT booth to tell us about their careers since graduation. Georgia Tech graduates are doing some amazing things in computing hardware, algorithms, and software, with applications across a wide range of engineering and science problems.
Christa M. Ernst - Research Communications Program Manager